2-B-24-DP Cheridy (37923), January 30, 2024 at 4:36 PM
Ask yourself if you would like a 100 ft wall of an apartment outside your front window while trying to enjoy a dinner with family. We do not! Please vote NO! This is a special neighborhood. Please help us keep it that way!
2-B-24-DP Mike (37923), January 30, 2024 at 4:39 PM
Homeowners were never informed about this development when we bought property. This is sheer greed on the part of the developer. Please vote NO to this eyesore of a towering building in a FAMILY neighborhood.
2-B-24-DP Jane (37923), February 4, 2024 at 7:41 PM
I am opposed to the building of two high rise condominium buildings in our residential community. It is against the restrictions of the subdivision. This proposed plan is producing the same issues and problems that the first plan did. I respectfully request that the Commission deny the rezoning and not allow our community to have to endure all the numerous already mentioned problems it would manifest. Thank you.
2-F-25-RZ Katherine (37923), February 13, 2025 at 11:40 AM
We are the owners of this property and have been running our landscaping business at our property since 2006. We just want to make sure they know that there is a draining sink hole behind our properties. We used to have to file an injection well permit, but that has changed. They need to be aware this could prevent the full use of their property. Also, we start up around 7:30 am M-F, this includes trucks and equipment. They need to consider this as well. We don’t typically work Saturday or Sunday. We have not been contacted about this project. We don’t oppose, we just wanted them to be aware of the noise and the sink hole.