Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 9-C-22-IH, subject to the following conditions:
1) Final site plan to be revised to meet City Engineering standards and dimensional standards of RN-2 zoning, with approval by staff;
2) Applicant to confirm front setback of main massing to the front property line, with modifications as needed to align with average front setback of block;
3) Applicant to clarify final window selections;
4) Foundation height to be compatible with historic houses on block and be clad in stucco;
5) Final site plan to include one shade tree in front and one in rear yards.

1724 Connecticut Ave. 37921

Adrian Adrian Wannamaker

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
1. The new house will feature a front porch 20' from the front property line; the porch depth is not defined but the main massing of the house is approximately 28' from the front property line. The average front setback of the block is 26.4'. The front setback of the main massing to the property line should be provided to staff, with modifications as necessary to ensure the house conforms with the existing front setback pattern. The site plan includes a walkway from the front door to the street.

2. The block is characterized by one-story, three-bay Queen Anne cottages, with some modified Craftsmans and some infill construction. The proposed house is proportionate to the dimensions of the lot and the other houses on the street. The side setbacks meet the guidelines and will be evenly spaced along the block.

3. The revised parking (rear-access alley parking pad) meets the Infill Housing design guidelines. Modifications may be necessary to meet city Engineering standards. The final site plan should include accurate building and impervious surface coverage calculations and remain within the RN-2 zoning.

4. The one-story, three-bay façade is similar in scale and width to the block and neighborhood. The proposed foundation appears to be compatible with the historic context, though foundation height should be clarified on the elevation drawings prior to permitting. The design includes projecting bays on the façade and rear elevation for additional complexity.

5. The design incorporates an approximately 8' deep, front-gable roof porch, with a column and railing appropriate for the selected design and compatible with the neighborhood.

6. Overall, the windows and doors are compatible with the neighborhood context. The window trim shown in elevation drawings should be incorporated in the final project. One-over-one windows instead of four-over-four with simulated muntins may be more appropriate for the neighborhood; the applicant should clarify the windows to be used in final elevation drawings. The side elevations feature a sufficient number of windows, though the Board may choose to discuss shifting one elevation on the left side elevation closer to the façade.

7. The roof pitch is sufficiently steep for the neighborhood context. The projecting bay from the porch adds complexity and contributes to the house's overall symmetry.

8. Roof cladding and siding meet the design guidelines. The proposed CMU foundation should be clad in stucco to be more compatible with the context.

9. The final site plan should include a native or naturalized shade tree in the front and rear yards.

Staff Comments
New primary residence fronting Connecticut Ave. One-story residence features a hipped roof (10/12 pitch, clad in architectural shingles), an exterior of fiber cement lap siding, and a concrete block foundation. The front porch will be set 20' from the front property line (making the house approximately 28' from the front property line). Parking is proposed as a 20' by 40' concrete parking pad accessible from the alley.

The façade (northwest) features a front-gable roof porch centered on the façade, with a 10/12 pitch roof with cornice returns, supported by square 8" by 8" wood columns. The façade features double-hung windows flanking a centered multi-light door. There are four bays of windows on the left side (northeast) elevation, located towards the rear of the house, and five bays of windows on the right side (southwest) elevation. A smaller hipped-roof porch projects from the left half of the rear elevation, with a secondary entryway.

Adrian Adrian Wannamaker

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History