Design Review Board
Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of Certificate 9-B-22-IH, subject to the following conditions: 1) final site plan to meet City Engineering standards and remain within coverage limits of the RN-2 zoning.
Location 318 E. Woodland Ave. 379170
OwnerFilippo Filippo Bonifacio
Applicant Request
New Primary Structure1. The new house is proposed to be set 20' from the front property line, with a front porch set approximately 15' from the front property line. The average of the blockface is 24'. The adjacent 312 E. Woodland Ave is located 23' from the front property line; the new house to be built at 322 E. Woodland Ave is proposed to be set 27.11' from the front property line, with a front porch set 21.11' from the front property line. The house may need to be recessed an additional 1'-3' from the front property line to align with the streetscape. The site plan includes a walkway from the front door to the street.
2. The block is characterized by one-story Queen Anne cottages, Craftsman bungalows, and Folk Victorian houses; it is the northwestern edge of the Old North Knoxville National Register Historic District. The house is somewhat wider and taller than adjacent houses on the block but compatible with larger-sized houses in the broader ONK area. At the September meeting, the DRB discussed the overall height and massing of the house extensively.
3. The proposed parking avoids the front yard. There is no alley behind the property. Guidelines recommend that parking pads should be at least 20' behind the front façade of the house; the two parallel parking spots will be adjacent to the house's façade, on the left side. Site plan modifications will also be necessary to meet City Engineering requirements and the final site plan should remain within building and impervious surface coverage limits for the RN-2 zoning.
4. At 41' wide and two stories tall, the façade is wider and taller than the other houses on the block (one-story Queen Anne cottages and Craftsmans measuring between 26'-33' wide). The revised façade does incorporate a variety of extensions and bays, with a sense of balanced asymmetry comparable to historic houses in the broader neighborhood. The foundation height is compatible with the historic context.
5. The revised design includes an 8' deep front porch which is proportional to the house's façade.
6. The one-over-one, double hung windows feature detailed trim and general proportions compatible with the historic context. The façade windows are located "in similar proportion and position as the original houses on the block." The side elevations also demonstrate a sufficient amount of transparency.
7. The revised roof design is compatible with historic houses in the broader neighborhood. While the dormers on the secondary structure are lower in pitch, they are balanced by the 7/12 main massing and will be minimally visible from the right of way.
8. The proposed materials, including fiber cement lap siding and shingle siding and a standing-seam metal roof, meet the design guidelines.
9. The site plan includes the retention of existing shade trees on the front and rear yards. The site plan also includes a new pool, which would not be reviewed in the Infill Housing overlay, though the pool will require building code-related fencing and a gate.
Staff Comments
New primary residence fronting E. Woodland Ave. Two-story residence features a cross-gable roof (8/12 and 7/12 pitch, clad in standing seam metal), an exterior of fiber cement lap siding, and a foundation clad in brick veneer. The T-shaped house measure 41' wide at the façade, extending 45' deep at the longest point. The house is proposed to be set 20' from the front property line, with an 8' deep front porch approximately 15' from the front property line. Parking is proposed as two 9' wide, 20'-6" deep spots running parallel to Matthews Place.
The facade (west) features a three-bay side-gable massing with a projecting front-gable roof massing on the right side. A shed-roof porch supported by tapered posts on brick piers extends across the first three bays. One-over-one, double-hung, fixed windows are evenly spaced on all elevations of the facade. The north elevation features two bays of single-light casement windows on the two-story massing. A one-story massing, featuring evenly-spaced double-hung windows and two secondary entries, projects to the rear of the property.
The project also includes a new secondary structure, a proposed two-car garage with an accessory dwelling unit on the second floor. The secondary structure measures 24' wide by 23' deep with a 7/12 pitch, side-gable roof with 1/12 pitch shed roofs projecting from the east and west sides. The garage will be clad in fiber cement lap and shingle siding and rest on a poured concrete foundation. The north elevation features an 18' wide, two-car bay of garage doors and one double-hung window on the second story. The south elevation has a one-over-one, double-hung window on the second story, and the west elevation features three additional single-light windows on the second story and two pedestrian access doors on the first story.