Design Review Board

Edgewood Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 9-B-21-IH as submitted.

2621 Barton St. 37917

George George Daws

The proposed subdivision plat is intended to address conflicts between the City Ward Map and the tax parcel, and to create a lot of record consistent with the boundaries of the tax parcel. A house is already located on the lot, with a paved/gravel driveway, which would deter further development on the adjacent lot where the lot line is being removed. The proposed new subdivision plat will not create new lots or relate to additional infill construction. The lot is consistent with the block's context.

Staff Comments
New subdivision plat. New plat addresses conflicts between the City Ward Map and tax parcel and creates a lot of record. A lot line dividing the property will be removed. The rectangular property extends approximately 165.24' from Barton Street and measures 100.12' wide on the rear property line and 99.81' wide on the front property line.

Case History