Design Review Board

Level 2: Major alteration of an existing building/structure


This case has been appealed

Staff Recommendation
APPROVE Certificate No. 09-B-09-DT with the following conditions: 1) Retain and repair the existing cornice line, 2) The second story windows should fill the entire existing window opening as one double hung window unit (a separate half round window on top is appropriate), 3) The second story windows shall have a wood exterior, 4) The brick and mortar shall be cleaned, repaired and, if necessary, replaced according to Preservation Brief #2 from the National Park Service, 5) The band of ceramic tile above the storefront shall be a glass transom broken up in to multiple evenly sized panes, 6) The secondary entrance shall have a glass transom that matches the transom above the main entrance, 7) The secondary door should swing open the opposite direction shown.Case File
415 S Gay St

Applicant Request
This proposal is for the rehabilitation of a façade and storefront. The building was extensively altered with the old façade covered entirely with tiles and the storefront removed and replaced with windows only, no doors (see attached Image 1). A previous owner removed the tiles and storefront to expose the condition of the original façade and which had been extensively damaged (see attached Image 2).

The owner proposes to clean and repair the brick façade.

The second story windows will have double hung windows with a fixed bottom window and a half round window on top. The original window openings were reduced in size approximately one foot from the sides and the arch. The sill was raised approximately two feet (see Image 3). This proposal fills in the bottom of the window opening approximately an additional 2 feet, raising the window sill. The existing window opening is recessed approximately four inches from the façade and this will be retained (see attached Image 3). The dimension of the windows will be approximately 7 feet tall by 4 feet wide. The glass in the windows will be clear.

The storefront will be made of wood and clear glass. The storefront opening is 12 feet 9 inches tall. The bulkhead will be made of wood and will be approximately 24 inches tall. The doors will be recessed four feet from the façade and will be will be 6' 7 1/2" tall. The main entrance, with the double doors, will have a transom above the door. The secondary entrance does not have a transom. Above the doors and transoms there will be a band of 4 inch ceramic tile that is 2 feet 8 inches tall and is the width of the storefront.

Staff Comments
Section 1.C.2 of the Downtown Knoxville Design Guidelines state that "storefronts are divided horizontally into three sections: bulkheads, solid or opaque, usually 18-24 inches tall; a plate glass storefront window 6-8 feet tall; and above it, a clear or patterned glass transom."

Section 1.C.3a,b,c states "Establish recessed entries... Allow for multiple entries on the first floor of the building.. (and) Maintain original height and materials for doors that are consistent with the use of the building."

Section 1.C.4c states "Insert windows with the same pane configuration, materials and size as other buildings of the same general construction date, if no original windows are present."

Section 1.C.5a states "Repair masonry with stone or brick and mortar that match the original."

Section 1.C.11a states "During rehabilitation of historic buildings, restore components to the original or an approximate design."

Case History