Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure
Level 2: Major alteration of an existing building/structure
Level 2: Addition to an existing building/structure


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 9-A-24-DT as submitted.

319 S. Gay St.

HD Ranjan Arun Break One LLC

Applicant Request
Minor revisions to previously-issued COA (2-B-22-DT). Section of mechanical penthouse was previously proposed to be clad in the existing brick veneer; new mechanical penthouse/interior space will be constructed in similar footprint and location, and clad in concealed fastener metal panels. Removal of decorative metal ornament on Gay Street and Wall Avenue elevations. At the intersection of Gay Street and Wall Avenue, installation of new full-light operable window units (was previously proposed as an open area).

Staff Comments
319 S. Gay Street, while zoned DK-H, is not located within the Gay Street Commercial National Register Historic District so the Historic Resources section of the design guidelines does not apply. The majority of work to be completed at the site was reviewed and approved by the DRB in February 2022 (2-B-22-DT); this application pertains specifically to the work in the "description of work," which include changes submitted for permitting which do not reflect the initial approval. Overall, the proposal meets the intent of the design guidelines. While sections of the original building were built prior to 1900, the building has had several exterior rehabilitation campaigns, most recently in 1984, so the proposal will not result in the modification or removal of any character-defining historic features.

Installing operable window systems in the bays at the corner of Gay Street and Wall Avenue will continue to enhance pedestrian interest and engagement in the site, and will maintain a "largely consistent rhythm of entrances and windows" recommended by the guidelines. Removal of the decorative cast metal screening above the storefront windows does not detract from the building's overall character. No new blank wall sections are created by the exterior rehabilitation scopes.

The revisions do not involve modifications to the mechanical enclosure's footprint. The brick veneer cladding the mechanical penthouse is described as deteriorated and subject to structural concerns; the applicant is proposing to remove it and replace with concealed fastener metal panels. The concealed fastener metal siding has already been approved for the rooftop addition massing, but will be visible from the parking lot and Strong St/alley elevations. Due to the visibility of the new material, the application has been referred to the Board for review and approval. In the opinion of staff, the additional metal panel siding is located on secondary elevations and will not detract from the overall character of the building.

Case History