Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


SUMMARY: This proposal is a revision to the previously approved CoA # 12-B-14-DT and only includes the redesign of the middle and right (north) storefront bays below the transom. The sidewalk seating and railing is shown on the plans but is not part of this review.

MIDDLE STOREFRONT: The storefront is proposed to a constructed of a folding partition system (NanaWall SL-70 system) that is in a linear configuration. It is an 8 panel system that splits in the middle and folds to the interior left and right. The finish is dark bronze to match the adjacent storefronts and has a bottom rail that matches the height of the adjacent marble base (bulkhead). The horizontal mullion aligns with the door heads and is in keeping with the historical precedent. There are no doors in the folding partition. The system is either open or closed. The interior dividing wall with garage doors shown in the previous building floor plan has been removed. When the NanaWall system is open the entire dining and mezzanine area will be visible.

RIGHT (NORTH) STOREFRONT: An aluminum storefront and steel tube glazing system with two separate entry doors. There is a 3'-0" entry door on the far right and a secondary door used primarily for server access to the sidewalk dining area. The storefront will utilize identical detailing and construction of the left (south) storefront that was approved as part of the original submittal and will not be changed by this proposal.

417 S Gay St

Applicant Request
SUMMARY: This proposal is a revision to the previously approved CoA # 12-B-14-DT and only includes the redesign of the middle and right (north) storefront bays below the transom. The sidewalk seating and railing is shown on the plans but is not part of this review.

MIDDLE STOREFRONT: The storefront is proposed to a constructed of a folding partition system (NanaWall SL-70 system) that is in a linear configuration. It is an 8 panel system that splits in the middle and folds to the interior left and right. The finish is dark bronze to match the adjacent storefronts and has a bottom rail that matches the height of the adjacent marble base (bulkhead). The horizontal mullion aligns with the door heads and is in keeping with the historical precedent. There are no doors in the folding partition. The system is either open or closed. The interior dividing wall with garage doors shown in the previous building floor plan has been removed. When the NanaWall system is open the entire dining and mezzanine area will be visible.

RIGHT (NORTH) STOREFRONT: An aluminum storefront and steel tube glazing system with two separate entry doors. There is a 3'-0" entry door on the far right and a secondary door used primarily for server access to the sidewalk dining area. The storefront will utilize identical detailing and construction of the left (south) storefront that was approved as part of the original submittal and will not be changed by this proposal.

Staff Comments
The project is located within the Gay Street Commercial (National Register) Historic District and the 'Historic Resources' section of the design guidelines will apply. The Kress Building is a contributing structure within this historic district.

Applicable guidelines:

Buildings should be visually interesting to invite exploration by pedestrians. A building should express human scale through materials and forms that were seen traditionally. This is important because buildings are experienced at close proximity by the pedestrian.
4a. Encourage first floor uses that draw walk-in traffic; businesses that do not require pedestrian traffic should be located on other floors.
4b. Enhance pedestrian interest in commercial and office buildings by creating a largely transparent and consistent rhythm of entrances and windows.
4c. Scale first floor signs to pedestrians.
4d. Differentiate the architectural features of ground floors from upper floors with traditional considerations such as show-windows, transoms, friezes, and sign boards.
4e. Design top floors to enhance the skyline of the block through cornices and details that are harmonious with adjacent architecture.
4f. Encourage the use of 'green roofs' and other sustainable practices, while minimizing the visual impact from the street.

Entrances and ground floor windows should foster pedestrian comfort, safety and orientation. Not every building in downtown needs to have the same window or entry designs; however, repeating the pattern of historic openings helps to reinforce the character of downtown, differentiating it from suburban areas.
5a. Use consistent rhythm of openings, windows, doorways, and entries.
5b. Orient primary front entrances to the main street; secondary entrances should be clearly defined and oriented to streets or alleys, as appropriate.
5c. Design entrances according to the proportions of the building's height and width.
5d. Consider corner entrances at the ends of blocks.
5e. All windows at the pedestrian level should be clear.
5f. Recess ground floor window frames and doors from the exterior building face to provide depth to the facade.

Section 1.C.2. (STOREFRONTS)
Throughout downtown, historic buildings present a front elevation with an individual facade that is usually 25-35 feet wide. The storefronts are divided horizontally into three sections: bulkheads, solid or opaque, usually 18-24 inches tall; a plate glass storefront window 6-8 feet tall; and above it, a clear or patterned glass transom.
2a. Restore and maintain storefronts as they were originally.

Section 1.C.3. (ENTRANCES)
Formal entrances to front facades should be retained. This includes entrances that are located above street level and accessed by exterior stairs. Altering or removing the main entrance to grant street-level access is not appropriate.
3a. Establish recessed entries, either rectangular or with slightly canted sides, which are appropriate in storefronts.
3b. Allow for multiple entries on the first floor of the building, giving access to commercial space that may be divided into bays.
3c. Provide access to upper stories through additional entries.
3d. Maintain original height and materials for doors that are consistent with the use of the building, such as residential, commercial, or banking purposes.

Johnson Architecture, Inc.

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History