Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


This application will amend CoA #2-B-13-DT.

After getting feedback from the National Park Service in regard to Historic Tax Credits, the owner has made the following modifications to the original renovation plan that was approved by the Board in February 2013:
1) Remove the fixed awning on the storefront. (Sheet A201, Detail 1 & 2; Sheet A202, Detail 1 & 2)
2) Remove the added (square) window on the fourth floor on Union Avenue. (Sheet A201, Detail 1)
3) Repair or rebuild the medallions in the second floor (main level) windows along Union Avenue. (Sheet A201, Detail 1)
4) Keep large existing windows on the second story at the intersection, on both on Gay Street and Union Avenue elevations (Sheet A201, Detail 1 & 2).
5) Remove planter that was proposed for the roof deck area. (Sheet A115.1, Detail 1 & 4)
6) Add detail for railing that was not on the previous approval. (Sheet A115.1, Detail 5)
7) Modify to the storefront recess width from 15ft to 12.5ft due to field measurement of what is existing, and change the transoms in the recess to clear glass after it was found that the "lozenge" glass was previously removed. (Sheet A202, Detail 1, 4, and 13)
8) Remove the proposed french doors with metal railing from plan on the rear (east) elevation and replace all the existing windows new windows as previously approved. (Sheet A201, Detail 3 & 4)
9) Infill opening off the alley with masonry to match the existing. (Sheet A201, Detail 4)

430 S Gay St

Applicant Request
This application will amend CoA #2-B-13-DT.

After getting feedback from the National Park Service in regard to Historic Tax Credits, the owner has made the following modifications to the original renovation plan that was approved by the Board in February 2013:
1) Remove the fixed awning on the storefront. (Sheet A201, Detail 1 & 2; Sheet A202, Detail 1 & 2)
2) Remove the added (square) window on the fourth floor on Union Avenue. (Sheet A201, Detail 1)
3) Repair or rebuild the medallions in the second floor (main level) windows along Union Avenue. (Sheet A201, Detail 1)
4) Keep large existing windows on the second story at the intersection, on both on Gay Street and Union Avenue elevations (Sheet A201, Detail 1 & 2).
5) Remove planter that was proposed for the roof deck area. (Sheet A115.1, Detail 1 & 4)
6) Add detail for railing that was not on the previous approval. (Sheet A115.1, Detail 5)
7) Modify to the storefront recess width from 15ft to 12.5ft due to field measurement of what is existing, and change the transoms in the recess to clear glass after it was found that the "lozenge" glass was previously removed. (Sheet A202, Detail 1, 4, and 13)
8) Remove the proposed french doors with metal railing from plan on the rear (east) elevation and replace all the existing windows new windows as previously approved. (Sheet A201, Detail 3 & 4)
9) Infill opening off the alley with masonry to match the existing. (Sheet A201, Detail 4)

Staff Comments
This building is within the Gay Street Commercial (National Register) Historic District and the applicable guidelines from the Historic Resources section regarding the amendments are as follows:
1) Section C.2a. Restore and maintain storefronts as they were originally.
2) Section C.3a. Establish recessed entries, either rectangular or with slightly canted sides, which are appropriate in storefronts.
3) Section C.4a. Repair rather than replace historic windows.
4) Section C.4b. Replace windows if repairs are not possible with matching windows, including duplicating design, operation, material, glass size, muntin arrangements, profiles, and trim.
5) Section C.4c. Insert windows with the same pane confi guration, materials and size as other buildings of the same general construction date, if no original windows are present.
6) Section C.5a. Repair masonry with stone or brick and mortar that match the original.
7) Section C.11a. During rehabilitation of historic buildings, restore components to the original or an approximate design.

430 Gay Street, LLC

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History