Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Recognizing the existing conditions of the property and the house, staff recommends approval of Certificate 8-B-24-IH as submitted.

1809 Worth St. 37917

Kawaijit Kawaijit Sawhney

Applicant Request
Driveways, parking pads, access point, garages or similar facilities
1. While new driveways and parking pads that meet the design guidelines can be approved administratively, a new driveway in the front yard does not meet the Infill Housing guidelines and must be approved by the Board.

2. The applicant is required to provide two off-street parking spaces for a single-family house; the property is required to come into compliance with the zoning code as they construct a rear addition that will not be visible from the primary street.

3. The house is an outlier on the block, set 60.5' from the front property line, 5.9' from the left side (south) property line, and 8'-9" on the right side property line. There is not an alley on the property. The lot does not have enough land on either side of the house to accommodate a driveway which meets the guidelines (extending 20' behind the front façade of the house). The driveway does achieve the guideline advising that access be limited to one lane.

Staff Comments
New driveway: 12' wide by 53' long driveway to be located in the front yard. The driveway is required as the property owner is constructing a new rear addition (not visible from the primary street, not subject to DRB review) and required to add parking for compliance with off-street parking requirements.

Case History