Design Review Board
Level 2: Major alteration of an existing building/structure
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of Certificate 8-A-24-DT, subject to the following conditions: 1) final specifications on marquee lighting to be submitted to staff for approval; 2) final site plan to meet all standards of City Engineering and the City Zoning code; 3) omission of "sandblasting exterior brick back to red clay brick color" scope.
OwnerState Properties LLC
Applicant Request
Exterior rehabilitation of existing building and site work.
On the façade, a corten metal panel system will be added above two central bays, featuring a parapet which extends above the existing roofline. The metal section will feature a new double-hung ticket window and paired full-light entry doors.
On the leftmost bays, the existing fixed single-light windows will be repaired and mirror film will be installed on the inside; new corten metal panels will be installed between the windows which are currently infilled with plywood panels. On the rightmost bay, which was originally a garage entry, a multi-light fixed storefront system will be installed, with additional corten metal paneling above and to the right. Metal finish will be installed as a horizontal trim along the existing ends of wood joists on the façade.
On the north elevation, fronting Cumberland Ave, a new 17' by 36-2" concrete patio will be installed, featuring a covering of patio shade sails supported by 6 by 6 wood posts. The patio will be accessed by two new full-light French doors in an existing opening. The patio will also include new accessibility ramp and handrail and including string lights and other overhead sconces. A new secondary door will be installed in the location of an existing window towards the rear elevation.
Additional exterior work includes "sandblasting the brick back to red clay brick color," patching and painting existing windows on the rear, and new fencing.
The application also includes signage, with a 3.5' by 7' (24.4 sq. ft.) anodized aluminum sign on the façade, featuring back lit letters. A square marquee sign (4' by 12', 48 sq. ft.) will feature changeable letters immediately below the business sign.
On the site, a new concrete slab will be installed in front of right half of the building (currently grass/sidewalk), with landscaping on the left half of the façade. The existing parking lot on the side elevation will remain, with spaces to be remarked.
Staff Comments
808 State Street is not listed on the National Register of Historic Places, so the Historic Resources section of the design guidelines does not apply. The modest midcentury brick commercial building has received several campaigns of exterior rehabilitation, most recently removing non-historic stone veneer and a c.1980 wood shake mansard roof.
In general, the exterior rehabilitation scopes meet the design guidelines. Previous submissions for the building included removing transparency from the façade, as the stage had been located towards the State Street elevation, but this submission adds transparency to the façade with a multi-light garage door. The façade will further engage the street via a new ticket booth and full-light doors. The proposed metal materials are compatible with the building.
The proposed concrete and wood patio, featuring a shade sail roof, will add visual interest and pedestrian engagement to the building. Guidelines recommend private plazas be pedestrian friendly, with human-scale amenities and landscaping, all of which the patio incorporates. The patio could be removed without further impact on the historic building.
While the building does not have formal historic designation, it is a midcentury building constructed of older masonry materials. Sandblasting is typically discouraged as a method of removing paint from older bricks (see NPS Preservation Brief 6, Dangers of Abrasive Cleaning to Historic Buildings), as it may erode the surface of the brick, removing the hard outer protective surface and making the brick more susceptible to weathering and deterioration. It may also increase the water permeability of the exterior brick, and erode the bond between the mortar and the brick. Unless the applicant can provide information detailing a non-abrasive treatment of paint removal, sandblasting should be avoided and the exterior paint should be retained.
Other exterior rehabilitation scopes are minor, including increasing existing fenestrations to install new doors. The final site plan, including parking layout and any modifications to the site, will need to meet City Engineering standards.
Signage will require a separate permit from the City of Knoxville. Overall, the application includes sufficient information for the Board to approve the proposed signs. The signs are proportionate to the wall areas where the signs will be installed. The applicant should provide further information on the lighting included in the marquee. While signs featuring white internal illumination typically are discouraged by the Board and design guidelines, internal illumination may be appropriate for a marquee sign.