Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


This proposal is to add a new roof over the existing patio to the side of the building and a new ingress/egress stairs and deck to the rear of the building. The existing trees on the patio will need to be removed to accommodate the addition.

The roof over the existing patio will have a frame made of stained 8x8 inch posts and 8x12 inch beams. The metal strapping will be black. The roof will be Englart metal roofing (red) and have 2x12 inch stained rafters. The roof will be attached to the existing brick façade with blocking.

The rear ingress/egress structure will be made of steel, along with the railings and guardrails. This structure will be fully self supporting and will not be supported by the existing brick walls. The roof will be galvanized metal on a steel frame. At ground level, a dumpster enclosure will be built under the metal structure. The framing will be steel, but will have wood slats to mimic the 8 foot tall fencing to the right of the dumpster surround

200 E Jackson Ave

Applicant Request
This proposal is to add a new roof over the existing patio to the side of the building and a new ingress/egress stairs and deck to the rear of the building. The existing trees on the patio will need to be removed to accommodate the addition.

The roof over the existing patio will have a frame made of stained 8x8 inch posts and 8x12 inch beams. The metal strapping will be black. The roof will be Englart metal roofing (red) and have 2x12 inch stained rafters. The roof will be attached to the existing brick façade with blocking.

The rear ingress/egress structure will be made of steel, along with the railings and guardrails. This structure will be fully self supporting and will not be supported by the existing brick walls. The roof will be galvanized metal on a steel frame. At ground level, a dumpster enclosure will be built under the metal structure. The framing will be steel, but will have wood slats to mimic the 8 foot tall fencing to the right of the dumpster surround

Staff Comments
This building is in the National Register Jackson Avenue Warehouse District. The guidelines regulate changes to buildings oriented to a public-oriented space. The rear ingress/egress is not highly visible from a public-oriented space, but does need to be reviewed to make sure it does not damage the structure as a whole. The architect, along with a structural engineer, reviewed the condition of the building and determined that the
rear wall and side walls need to reinforced so strapping has been incorporated which can be seen in Elevation 2 -- Partial B-B.

The addition of the roof and associated structure over the existing patio is highly visible from the public right-of-way. Staff feels that the proposed design is in keeping with the original warehouse uses of the building. The only part of the new structure that will be attached to the old structure is the roof blocking.

Case History