Design Review Board

Edgewood Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommend approval of Certificate 7-B-21-IH, with the following condition: 1) install landscaping/screening to reduce visibility of the shed from Dempster Street.

3109 Dempster St. 37917

Gillian Gillian Yeoh

Applicant Request
Driveways, parking pads, access point, garages or similar facilities
The proposed secondary structure will be located on the rear corner of the property, but not recessed behind the primary residence. Placement of the shed, including setbacks, meets the base zoning code and City Engineering standards. While the structure has garage doors, it will be used for storage only.

Due to the lack of vegetation on the property and the size and placement of the structure, the secondary structure will be substantially visible from the public right-f-way. Installing landscaping or fencing to screen the metal structure would reduce visibility and better meet Infill Housing design guidelines.

Guidelines note that sheds, garages, and other outbuildings can be constructed of vertical siding or more economical methods. Metal prefabricated sheds have been approved in IH overlays in the past, with the condition that they receive landscaping/screening to reduce visibility from the public right-of-way.

Staff Comments
Proposed new secondary structure. Secondary structure will be 24' wide by 25' deep, recessed from the primary structure, and set 7' from the interior side (south) property line and 15' from the rear (west) property line. Secondary structure is a rectangular, prefabricated metal garage with a 3/12 pitch side-gable roof, two rolling garage doors on the side elevation (facing north, fronting the rear yard). The building and roof will be metal and they will rest on a concrete slab foundation.

Gillian Gillian Yeoh

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History