Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 7-A-21-IH, with the following conditions:
1) Parking to meet City Engineering standards;
2) Locate an additional window on the right (southwest) elevation;
3) Exterior siding to be lap siding with an overlap instead of Dutch lap or flush panel.

1728 Connecticut Ave. 37921

Johnny Johnny Howell

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
1. The house is proposed to be located 25' from the front property line. A 25' front setback is in line with the existing house on the property (to be demolished) and the overall front setback pattern of the block. While the adjacent property at 1732 Connecticut Ave is set 56' from the front property line, the new house at 1728 Connecticut Avenue will reinforce the overall front yard pattern. The site plan includes a concrete walkway extending to the sidewalk.

2. The block is characterized by a few modified Queen Anne cottages and Craftsman bungalows, Minimal Traditionals, and a significant amount of contemporary infill construction. The proposed one-story, modest residence is proportional to the dimensions of the lot and the other houses on the block. The side yard setbacks are consistent with the lot and the other houses on the block.

3. The proposed parking meets Infill Housing design guidelines and City Engineering standards, as proposed. Any refinement to site plan during permitting should meet City Engineering standards.

4. Overall, the one-story, three-bay façade is similar in scale and width to the context. A 1'-8" foundation will be compatible with historic foundation heights.

5. The proposed 7'-4" deep, half-width front porch is proportionate to the house. A porch that is flush with the primary façade elevation will not be disproportionate to comparable historic houses on the block. The proposed 6& square columns and square picket railing are compatible with the historic context.

6. Guidelines recommend window and door styles to be compatible with historic houses on the block, and maintain a consistent ratio of solid to void. An additional window is necessary on the right (southwest) elevation to avoid large swaths of siding without transparency. The proposed window trim will contribute to the overall house's design.

7. The proposed 6/12 pitch roof meets the design guidelines; the house's design will benefit from the additional complexity provided by the 8/12 pitch front-gable massing projecting from the façade.

8. Overall materials are appropriate within the guidelines. The vinyl siding should be lap siding with an overlap instead of Dutch lap or flush panel siding.

9. The side plan includes a front yard shade tree.

Staff Comments
New primary residence fronting Connecticut Avenue. One-story, side-gable roof residence measuring 24'-8" wide by 38'-8" long, with a partial-width, shed-roof front porch which is flush with the primary façade. The house is proposed to be set 25' from the front property line. The proposed parking is a 10' wide by 40' long concrete driveway, accessed by the alley and located at the rear of the property.

The house features a 6/12 side-gable roof, clad in asphalt shingles, with an exterior of horizontal vinyl siding and a stuccoed foundation. A 7'-4" deep, 12'-8" wide front porch with a shed roof is located on the left half of the façade, supported by vinyl 6" square columns. The façade features two one-over-one, double-hung windows and a half-light entry door. A 5' by 5' deck and ramp project from the center of the rear elevation. There are rectangular louvered vents on the gable fields and 4" vinyl trim around windows and door.

Jon Jon Colbaugh City of Knoxville Community Development City

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History