Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


North elevation: removal of existing recessed door and storefront system on rightmost (west) two storefronts. Doors and angled storefront systems will be removed up to an existing steel beam at approximately 9' above the floor level, with the upper-level transom windows and framing to remain. New storefront framing, flush with the primary storefront elevation, will be installed, with framing to match the profile, finish, and window layout of the existing storefront above. The marble-finished sill wall will be installed, with a height and finish to match existing. Salvaged marble will be reused when possible.

West elevation: removal of infilled CMU and concrete finish to open up historic arched brick openings. Round-arched brick will be repaired and replaced in-kind as necessary. Multi-light arched windows with black aluminum framing will be installed in the historic openings. The four middle panes will feature ribbed-pattern glazing.

Applicant Request
North elevation: removal of existing recessed door and storefront system on rightmost (west) two storefronts. Doors and angled storefront systems will be removed up to an existing steel beam at approximately 9' above the floor level, with the upper-level transom windows and framing to remain. New storefront framing, flush with the primary storefront elevation, will be installed, with framing to match the profile, finish, and window layout of the existing storefront above. The marble-finished sill wall will be installed, with a height and finish to match existing. Salvaged marble will be reused when possible.

West elevation: removal of infilled CMU and concrete finish to open up historic arched brick openings. Round-arched brick will be repaired and replaced in-kind as necessary. Multi-light arched windows with black aluminum framing will be installed in the historic openings. The four middle panes will feature ribbed-pattern glazing.

Staff Comments
The Pembroke Building is not listed on the National Register of Historic Places, so the Historic Resources section of the design guidelines does not apply.

The proposed scope of work to the north elevation maintains the façade's rhythm of overall transparency. While guidelines recommend that ground floor window frames and doors be recessed from the exterior building face to provide depth to the façade, the removal of two recessed sections will not detract from the building's overall character. The façade already features an irregular pattern of doors, with the leftmost door (502 Union Ave) as slightly recessed double doors, a single recessed door on the following bay, followed by the primary entry and three angled single entries on the right side of the façade. The proposal does not include modifications to the round-arched primary entry. The project will retain the character-defining elements of the façade, including the marble-finished sill wall/low bulkhead, the beam between the transom and storefronts, and the transom window patterns. The proposed storefront systems will match the transom profile above, and are appropriate for the façade's height and width.

On the west elevation, the removal of non-historic CMU and concrete enclosing historic round-arched openings is an appropriate treatment. Reconstructing the round brick arches with repair or replacement in-patches will restore a character-defining feature to the side elevation of the building. Guidelines encourage windows at the pedestrian level to be clear, though the proposed ribbed-pattern glazing will be minimally visible from the right-of-way, as the windows front a fenced-in courtyard which is only approximately 12' from the adjacent building.

Case History