Design Review Board

Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District


1333 Delaware Ave

Ray Ray Faubion

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
Staff Comments
This Certificate of Appropriateness replaces the prior issued 2/5/08 Certificate.

Architectural Elevations - Front Elevation - The front exposed foundation, as seen from Delaware will not exceed 48". The porch is 8' deep and 16' wide. There are two windows located to the led of the front door within the area of the porch. There is one widow to the right of the door, outside the porch area of the façade. The roof is a gable roof with a pitch of 5:12.

Plot Plan - The finished floor elevation is 109.25'. The front yard setback is 26' and the two side yard setbacks are 11'. The applicant will maintain an existing tree in the front yard. The off-street parking will be supplied off the alley. A 5' wide private walkway provided from the front porch steps to the front property line.

All the above mentioned dimensions and plan characteristics have been submitted by the applicant. The submitted drawings are part of the application and shall be used in conjunction with the description above if any enforcement issues may arise. The applicant is responsible for building according to what was submitted and approved by the Infill Housing Design Review Committee. The Committee encourages all applicants to seek an inspection prior to construction completion, to ensure that the approved plans are being followed and will not cause enforcement issues at the end of construction. All measurements can vary 6" to compensate for construction issues on site.

Ray Ray Faubion

Planning Staff
Jeff Archer
Phone: 215-2500

Case History