Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


There are fourteen townhouses with thirteen balconies. The balconies vary in size, but are roughly 3'6"x8' and are comprised of ornamental metal railings attached to the exterior brick walls of the townhouses and wood decking material. The decking material sits on 3 wood beams supported by ornamental metal brackets attached to the exterior brick walls.

Over the years, the fascia and decking material on the balconies have been repaired and replaced inconsistently and has created a hodge-podge appearance. At this time, much of the wood balcony fascia and wood decking has deteriorated and should be replaced. This project will repair all deteriorated wood associated with the balconies and replace it in a manner to give a uniform appearance to all balconies within Kendrick Place. The ornamental metal railings will be cleaned, loose paint will be removed and the metal will be repainted. The balconies are part of the historic assets of Kendrick Place and must be rehabilitated and repaired in a manner consistent with preservation standards and without causing damage to other existing architectural elements.

600 Union Ave

600-612 Union Ave, 601-613 Kendrick Place

Applicant Request
There are fourteen townhouses with thirteen balconies. The balconies vary in size, but are roughly 3'6"x8' and are comprised of ornamental metal railings attached to the exterior brick walls of the townhouses and wood decking material. The decking material sits on 3 wood beams supported by ornamental metal brackets attached to the exterior brick walls.

Over the years, the fascia and decking material on the balconies have been repaired and replaced inconsistently and has created a hodge-podge appearance. At this time, much of the wood balcony fascia and wood decking has deteriorated and should be replaced. This project will repair all deteriorated wood associated with the balconies and replace it in a manner to give a uniform appearance to all balconies within Kendrick Place. The ornamental metal railings will be cleaned, loose paint will be removed and the metal will be repainted. The balconies are part of the historic assets of Kendrick Place and must be rehabilitated and repaired in a manner consistent with preservation standards and without causing damage to other existing architectural elements.

Case History