Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


Repair the existing terne-coated metal dome, gable roofs, and sheet metal moldeings along N. Central Street and Jackson Avenue. Corroded panels will be replaced with new panels matching the original in size and profile. All original metal in sound condition will remain in place. All new and existing sheet metal work will receive a new historically appropriate painted finish. The existing brick and stone masonry will be tuck-pointed.

See the attached plan for additional detail.

100 N Central St

Including 106 N. Central Street.

Applicant Request
Repair the existing terne-coated metal dome, gable roofs, and sheet metal moldeings along N. Central Street and Jackson Avenue. Corroded panels will be replaced with new panels matching the original in size and profile. All original metal in sound condition will remain in place. All new and existing sheet metal work will receive a new historically appropriate painted finish. The existing brick and stone masonry will be tuck-pointed.

See the attached plan for additional detail.

Staff Comments
These structures are within the Southern Terminal and Warehouse Historic District and the proposed improvements meets the requirements of the Historic Resources section of the Downtown Knoxville Design Guidelines.

Design Innovation Architects

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History