Design Review Board

Level 2: Major alteration of an existing building/structure


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate 6-C-13-DT subject to the following conditions: 1) Meet all design requirements of Article 5. Section 7 (Minimum Off-street Parking, Access and Driveway Requirements) of the zoning ordinance, 2) Remove the curb cut (drive access) along Church Avenue that is proposed to be no longer used and replace with curbing and sidewalk to match the adjacent condition, or as otherwise required by City Engineering, 3) Install lighting in compliance with the guidelines at a height of 10 - 15 feet that uniformly illuminates the lot, and 4) Screen the parking lot from the sidewalk along Church Avenue with matching fencing as proposed on Market Street.

322 W Church St

Applicant Request
Demolition of the exiting parking structure to be replaced with an expansion of the existing adjacent surface parking lot to include 60 additional spaces, as shown on the attached site plan and detailed below.

Add fencing along the sidewalk edge to match the existing on Market Street (see attached image).

Add landscaping areas as shown on the attached site plan and include 8 shade trees.

Staff Comments
This structure is not listed on the National Register of Historic Places and therefore is subject to the demolition guidelines in Section 1.B.8 (page 19 of the Downtown Knoxville Design Guidelines), which states "The demolition of buildings in areas of downtown outside Historic Overlay Districts and National Register Districts, or properties listed individually on the National Register of Historic Places, may be appropriate when in compliance with the guidelines," and "If a building is demolished, all visible unutilized building material must be removed and the site must be vegetated or otherwise brought into compliance with the guidelines."

In order to be in compliance with the guidelines, the property owner proposes to replace the structure with a surface parking facility as described in the attached plans. Section 1.A.3: Parking Facilities (page 7), has the following applicable guidelines: 3d) Screen surface lots, where they abut a public sidewalk, with decorative walls, fencing and landscaping, 3e) Distribute shade trees within surface lots at a ratio of 1 tree per 8 parking spaces. Trees may be planted in wells between spaces, and 3f) Provide pedestrian-scale lighting (10-15 feet in height) that uniformly illuminates the lot.

Commercial parking facilities (those open to the public for paid parking) are a "Use permitted on review" in the C-2 (Central Business District) zone, meaning the Metropolitan Planning Commission must determine if the proposed parking facility "is consistent with the adopted 'Downtown Plan'" (adopted in 1987 and amended in 1989). In regard to parking, the Downtown Plan considerations do not conflict with the recommendations of the Downtown Knoxville Design Guidelines regarding demolitions or parking facilities. In general, the Downtown Plan makes recommendations on where short term and long term parking should be located and also some design criteria for new parking structures.

Royal Properties, Inc.

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History