Design Review Board

Level 2: Addition to an existing building/structure


This case has been appealed

Staff Recommendation
APPROVE Certificate 6-B-17-DT as submitted.Case File
141 S Gay St

Applicant Request
Construct an addition to the residential dwelling unit on the second floor of the building, which will include a rooftop patio over the addition. The addition will be constructed over an existing one story addition for the ground story restaurant. Access to the rooftop patio will be from a new stair on the northwest corner of the addition. A flat roof will extend from the stair tower over the western portion of the patio. On the southern side of the patio there will be a vertical "green screen" modular trellis system. The applicant proposes that the roofed portion of the patio could be screened-in, however, it is not proposed initially.

Materials (see sheet 03 for example images)
1) Exterior walls, metal panels or fibercement board siding.
2) Aluminum clad wood windows.
3) Patio floor constructed of modular wood decking on pedestal system.
4) Steel columns on patio roof.
5) Cable railings.

Visual Screening
1) Vertical 'green screen' trellis on south side of patio.

1) Recessed can lights in new patio ceiling.

Staff Comments
This site is within the Southern Terminal & Warehouse (National Register) Historic District, so the Historic Resources section of the guidelines do apply (Section 1.C). The guidelines recommend that additions be designed so that they are not seen from adjoining streets and sidewalks. The applicant documents that the addition will not be visible from the Gay Street sidewalk (see sheet 04). The addition will be visible from W. Vine Ave., however, this is not an adjoining street and does not directly impact the pedestrian experience along the sidewalk. In addition, being that the addition is to the rear of the building and not adjacent to a road, staff does not have any concerns with the proposed materials, design or height of structure.

Applicable guidelines:

Alterations of the rooflines of historic buildings are not appropriate. A one-story rooftop addition, including railings, may be possible on taller buildings if it is inconspicuous from the public right-of-way. Additions should be set back from the primary elevation of the building, and should not damage character-defining features, including parapets and side walls. These walls are often topped by coping stones offering contrasting color or texture, or contain cornices, decorative grills, chimneys, corbelled brickwork and other architectural elements. Rooftop additions are almost never appropriate on buildings less than four stories in height.
1a. Preserve or restore historic roofline features, including parapet walls and cornices.
1b. Design rooftop additions to be complementary to the historic building in terms of materials and color.
1c. Avoid construction that maintains only the historic facade.
1d. Do not alter, obscure or destroy significant features of historic resources when constructing additions.
1e. Design rooftop additions so that they are not seen from adjoining streets and sidewalks.

Section 1.C.5. (MASONRY)
Masonry features should be retained and repaired; materials, including mortar, should match the original mortar in color and composition. Mortar joints should be sized and struck to match the original. Belt courses, string courses, dripstones, quoins and contrasting brick and stone are common. These features should be preserved and repaired if necessary, and should be introduced on infill buildings.
5a. Repair masonry with stone or brick and mortar that match the original.
5b. Do not paint masonry that has never been painted.

Design Innovation Architects

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History