Design Review Board

Level 2: Major alteration of an existing building/structure


This case has been appealed

Staff Recommendation
The Staff APPROVED this application with the following condition: 1) Repair masonry, brick or porcelain and mortar that match the original.Case File
518 S Gay St

518, 522, and 524 S Gay St

Applicant Request
This revision to the Certificate of Appropriatenes (CoA), 6-B-08-DT, approved by the Downtown Design Review Board on June 18, 2008, is based on the approved renovation plans by the National Park Service for Historic Tax Credit purposes. This revision is for 522 and 524 Gay Street only. The S&W Cafeteria building (516 and 518 Gay Street) and the archway between 524 and 530 Gay Street have not changed substantively and are covered by the original CoA, 6-B-08-DT. The facades (including storefronts) will be renovated to mimic the facades as close as possible to the 1930's era (see attached documentation). The storefronts will be made of wood and the glass will be clear. The upper story windows will have a wood exterior and clear glass.

Case History