Design Review Board

Edgewood Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of Certificate 6-A-21-IH as submitted.

2337 Money Place 37917

Raymond Raymond tallent

The proposed subdivision plat is intended to address conflicts between the City Ward Map and the tax parcel, and to create a new lot of record. The proposed new subdivision plat will not create any new lots or relate to additional infill construction. The lot is appropriately sized for the block and the existing corner placement; the proposal meets the design guidelines.

Staff Comments
New subdivision plat. New front porch previously reviewed and approved by Design Review Board in March 2021 (3-B-21-IH). New plat addresses conflicts between the City Ward Map and tax parcel and creates a lot of record. The irregularly shaped property extends approximately 126.86' from Money Place to the rear property line on the left side. Approximately 78.43' on the rear property line, approximately 116.45' long on the Whittle Springs Road elevation, and approximately 16.17' on the front property line.

John John Wampler High Oaks Construction, LLC High Oaks Constr

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History