Design Review Board

Level 2: Major alteration of an existing building/structure


This case has been appealed

Staff Recommendation
APPROVE Certificate 6-A-20-DT subject to 1 condition:

1) Installing clear glass in the storefront windows and doors, excluding the leaded glass transoms.Case File
517 Market St.

Applicant Request
Renovation of the Market Street and alley elevations of the Home Federal Bank building at 517-519 Market Street. The work on the Market Street elevation includes a reconfiguration of the storefront and transom, repair of the existing woodwork, pressed metal at the signboard, wood cornice, and second-floor wood windows. The work on the alley elevations includes removal of the existing fire escape, replacement of existing windows, and masonry repair and repainting.

Market Street Elevation
1) Remove existing EIFS bulkhead/transom and aluminum storefront windows.
2) Repair and repaint existing wood signboard, pressed sheetmetal accents, second-floor wood windows, stone pilasters, and wood cornice.
3) Install a new storefront system in the existing opening with smooth painted fiber cement panels/trim, aluminum-clad wood storefront windows and door, and leaded glass transoms.
4) The main entry door will be recessed approximately 6'-3" and an additional door will be on the left (south) side of the recess that is for an exit egress.
5) Install recessed downlights in the soffit of the recessed entry.
6) Install a new painted aluminum sign to the left of the recessed entry. The sign will be non-illuminated and 1'-4" tall by 1'-4" wide (approximately 1.78 sqft).
7) Install storm windows on the interior side of the second-floor windows.

Alley Elevation
1) Remove the hollow metal doors, solid transom and frames. The left (north) doorway will be partially infilled to be a window to match the existing on this elevation. The right (south) doorway will have a new hollow metal door and frame with glass transom. This doorway will be recessed approximately 4'-7". The doorway at the fire escape will be partially infilled and converted back to a window to match the existing on this elevation.
2) Remove the plywood infill panels and window frames at all windows openings.
3) Infill the 5 small window openings in the middle of this elevation with brick to match the existing.
4) Remove the metal fire escape and conductor heads and downspouts.
5) Repair, repoint and repaint the brick wall.
6) Install new aluminum-clad wood windows, 2 over 2 divided lite pattern to match the existing that is located behind the wood infill.
7) Install new recessed downlight in the entry soffit of the recessed doorway.

Staff Comments
This building is not located within a national register historic district so the Historic Resources section of the guidelines is not applicable. However, the proposal does appear to be meet the intent of those guidelines as well. Staff is recommending a condition that the ground floor windows be clear because the guidelines recommended clear glass on the ground floor. The existing storefront windows being removed are tinted and the plans do not specify if the new storefront windows will be clear or tinted.

In addition to having to meet the recommendations of the Downtown Design Guidelines, the proposal also must meet the design standards of the DK-G zone district (Art. 5, Sec. 5.5 - Table 5.4). There are no apparent conflicts with the zoning standards.

Applicable guidelines


Building form should be consistent with the character of downtown as an urban setting and should reinforce the pedestrian activity at the street level. Creating pedestrian-scale buildings, especially at street level, can reduce the perceived mass of buildings. Historically, building technology limited height and subsequently created pedestrian-scaled buildings typically less than 10 stories. Building technology no longer limits the height of buildings and there are no height limitations imposed by the zoning ordinance for downtown Knoxville. However, there is still a need for buildings that respond to pedestrians. The use of 'human-scale' design elements is necessary to accomplish this. Human-scale design elements are details and shapes that are sized to be proportional to the human body, such as, upper story setbacks, covered entries, and window size and placement.
1a. Maintain a pedestrian-scaled environment from block to block.
1c. Use building materials, cornice lines, signs, and awnings of a human scale in order to reduce the mass of buildings as experienced at the street level.
1e. Avoid blank walls along street-facing elevations.


New building materials should relate to the scale, durability, color, and texture of the predominate building materials in the area.
3a. Use complimentary materials and elements, especially next to historic buildings.


Buildings should be visually interesting to invite exploration by pedestrians. A building should express human scale through materials and forms that were seen traditionally. This is important because buildings are experienced at close proximity by the pedestrian.
4a. Encourage first floor uses that draw walk-in traffic; businesses that do not require pedestrian traffic should be located on other floors.
4b. Enhance pedestrian interest in commercial and office buildings by creating a largely transparent and consistent rhythm of entrances and windows.
4c. Scale first floor signs to pedestrians.
4d. Differentiate the architectural features of ground floors from upper floors with traditional considerations such as show-windows, transoms, friezes, and sign boards.
4e. Design top floors to enhance the skyline of the block through cornices and details that are harmonious with adjacent architecture.


Entrances and ground floor windows should foster pedestrian comfort, safety and orientation. Not every building in downtown needs to have the same window or entry designs; however, repeating the pattern of historic openings helps to reinforce the character of downtown, differentiating it from suburban areas.
5a. Use consistent rhythm of openings, windows, doorways, and entries.
5b. Orient primary front entrances to the main street; secondary entrances should be clearly defined and oriented to streets or alleys, as appropriate.
5c. Design entrances according to the proportions of the building's height and width.
5e. All windows at the pedestrian level should be clear.
5f. Recess ground floor window frames and doors from the exterior building face to provide depth to the facade.


These recommendations for signs in the traditional grid district recognize that certain types of signs are more pedestrian-friendly and should be encouraged within the grid district.
1a. Wall signs on sign boards that are above a transom or first story and mounted flush to the building façade.

Raines / McCarty Holsaple McCarty

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History