Design Review Board

Level 1: Sign


This proposal is to install an internally illuminated, 16.6 square-foot projecting sign that is attached to the building with two 6" long posts. The sign will have a 17'-2" clearance with the sidewalk and located on the southern corner of the building. The white background on the sign face is made of metal that is routed for the logo and business name which will be push-thru acrylic with translucent vinyl applied.

607 Market St

Applicant Request
This proposal is to install an internally illuminated, 16.6 square-foot projecting sign that is attached to the building with two 6" long posts. The sign will have a 17'-2" clearance with the sidewalk and located on the southern corner of the building. The white background on the sign face is made of metal that is routed for the logo and business name which will be push-thru acrylic with translucent vinyl applied.

Staff Comments
The proposed sign does not meet the size recommendation of a maximum of 9 square feet which is why the board must review this for approval. The property is not within a national register historic district so internal illumination is permissible according to the design guidelines. However, the properties to the south and east are listed on the national register of historic places.

While the sign is larger than the guidelines recommend, staff is recommending approval because the location is approximately 9 feet higher on the building than minimum 8-foot sidewalk clearance. In general, larger signs are more appropriate higher on a building because they have less impact on the pedestrians on the sidewalk.

Applicable guidelines:

Buildings should be visually interesting to invite exploration by pedestrians. A building should express human scale through materials and forms that were seen traditionally. This is important because buildings are experienced at close proximity by the pedestrian.
4c. Scale first floor signs to pedestrians.

These recommendations for signs in the traditional grid district recognize that certain types of signs are more pedestrian-friendly and should be encouraged within the grid district.
1a. Wall signs on sign boards that are above a transom or first story and mounted flush to the building façade.
1b. Projecting signs of modest size (9 square feet, maximum); a larger sign must be approved by the board.
1c. Window signs, less than 30 percent coverage, including neon signs.
1d. Building name sign and/or building directory.

Jones / Signco, Inc.

Planning Staff
Mike Reynolds
Phone: 865-215-3827

Case History