Design Review Board

Level 1: Minor alteration of an existing building/structure


The proposal is for a photo voltaic system on the roof of the Convention Center. The system is proposed for the northwest corner of the facility, near the Sunsphere (see drawings E-001 and E-003, the aerial photo). The photo voltaic system will have an approximate height of 18.5" off the roof surface (see attached product information). The closest the system will be from the edge of the roof is approximately 14 feet.

725 Cumberland Ave

Applicant Request
The proposal is for a photo voltaic system on the roof of the Convention Center. The system is proposed for the northwest corner of the facility, near the Sunsphere (see drawings E-001 and E-003, the aerial photo). The photo voltaic system will have an approximate height of 18.5" off the roof surface (see attached product information). The closest the system will be from the edge of the roof is approximately 14 feet.

Staff Comments
This is a project initiated by the City on a Civic Building which means that the board does not need to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness for this project, but does need to make a recommendation to the Mayor and City Council on the proposal.

In the opinion of staff, this project is in accordance with Section 1.B.7h which states "Allow solar panels and other technological advances on rooftops and other unobtrusive locations. Solar panels should not be considered on the elevations of historic buildings". These panels sit low to the roof and will be minimally visible from any publicly-oriented space, other than within the Sunsphere.

Case History