Historic Zoning Commission

Gobblers Knob NC: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends denial of the work as completed, and the reinstallation of a front porch to reflect the original design of the house.

Location Knoxville
2221 Sherrod Rd. 37920

Stephen Stephen Thompson

Applicant Request
Additions; Porch
Enclosure of the front porch to provide conditioned interior space (a bathroom). On the façade, the porch has been enclosed with a 6'-7" wide swath of wood lap siding to match the existing siding, extending to the leftmost porch pier. The front door has been moved towards the façade, with additional siding extending to the projecting front-gable roof bay on the right. The left side elevation of the porch has been enclosed with wood lap siding and a 36" by 23" fixed vinyl window. Work also includes cornerboards which match the existing.

MODIFICATIONS PER 5/19/22 HZC MEETING: Porch enclosure denied by HZC; applicant to remove new exterior wall and restore front porch in original footprint. Two new columuns to be installed to match previous, along with a square picket guardrail.

Staff Comments
Folk Victorian, c.1938
    One-story frame residence with a cross gable roof, an exterior of wood lap siding, and a raised stucco-clad foundation. Exterior features a one-story, one bay front porch with stuccoed foundation, a sawn wood porch railing and square wood columns. Diamond-shaped gable vent.

A. New Development and Additions
2. The recommended location for additions is to the side and rear of existing buildings. Additions to the front of houses are not encouraged, but may be allowed provided they do not extend more than 15 feet or cover more than one-fourth of the front façade.
13. Window and door openings on the front elevation of any building shall comprise at least 15% of the front elevation.
14. Balconies, porches, bay windows and other projections are encouraged and may be allowed in the building setback.

C. Building Materials
1. Building materials for new construction should not include vinyl or aluminum siding, concrete blocks, or exterior plywood on elevations that are visible from Sherrod Road or Millers Avenue.

Stephen Stephen Thompson

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.lanois@knoxplanning.org

Case History