Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Approval of proposal to replace late-added windows and door and construct screened in porch according to submitted application/drawings. Alternately approve construction of rear deck.Condition that beadboard panels on house be replaced w/wood panels.

Location Knoxville
918 Luttrell St 37917

Brandon Brandon Pace - Ashley B. Ashley B.

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Level I
Add K-style roof gutters on house and downspouts. Add perimeter drain and waterproofing to foundation below ground level-- will not be visible

Level II
Remove 2 nonoriginal windows and rear door w/transom (1980s) at more recently enclosed recessed porch. Add wood-framed (painted) hipped-roof screened-in porch 14'x 14' at this location. This upper-level porch will cover a concrete patio below, that will be surrounded by a low concrete wall with top cap. The existing wood basement door is to be replaced with a new wood door with vision panel. The screened porch is proposed to be surrounded by a 3-foot-high petition sheathed in fiber cement board with 4" lap. Additionally, a fiber cement lapped board panel is proposed to fill the space beneath a pair of wooden double-hung replacement windows on the west side fo the house toward the rear. The windows and panel are proposed to replace a late-added window and beadboard panel in that location.

An alternate to the screened porch would be to construct a deck. Decking to be pressure-treated wood. Deck to be enclosed by 2x2 square wood balusters that would die into the top and bottom 2x6 rails, not attached to the outside of the railing. The steps, stringers and stair raill would be wooden and the entire structure would be painted.

Colonial Revival 4-Square with Craftsman influence (c. 1915)
    Two-story frame with brick veneer. Hip roof with asphalt shingles. One-sotry two-thirds front porch with truncated wood posts on brick piers. Brick foundation. Original Prairie-paned front door.

Brandon Brandon Pace - Ashley B. Ashley B.

Case History