Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


601 Hiawassee Ave 37917

Gary Gary Koontz

Applicant Request
New Primary Structure
Staff Comments
Construct new 1-story craftsman style house on an existing corner lot. The location of the house is 37.9' from the Hiawassee Avenue lot line, 15.0' from the Hanover Street lot line, 5.0' from the interior side lot line, and the rear setback is not specified on the plan, however, it must meet the minimum 25' setback required by zoning.

The house has a front porch with a gable roof that projects toward Hiawassee Avenue and is 16'-0" wide by 8'-0" deep. There are three porch columns that have a 24" wide by 24" deep by 36" tall stone base with a tapered column above. The railings having a height of 36" with 2" square ballusters that terminate into the top and bottom rails.

The gable end of the porch roof has vertical board and batten siding, and the gable end of the main roof has shake siding. The remainder of the house will have horizontal lap siding. All siding on the house is vinyl. The roof on the house and porch have a 7:12 pitch.

The windows on the front of the house are 3 over 1 double hung and the front door is a half light with 3 window panes and two wood panels below. The windows on the other elevations are 1 over 1 double hung and the doors on the side of the house have a full light window.

Gary Gary Koontz

Planning Staff
Amy Brooks
Phone: 865-215-4001

Case History