Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE. Redeisgn is consistent with adoptd design guidelines; other changes are not visible from Deery or are consistent with proper maintenance of building.

Location Knoxville
716 Deery St

Jim Jim Cortese

Applicant Request
Architectural feature; Guttering; Porch elements; Roofing; Siding; Windows; Other: remove vent
Reconstruct front porch to restore original architectural appearance; repair balcony railing; repair soffit, fascia and brackets; remove rotten wood basement windows on side elevation and coal chute on rear elevation and replace with same size wood windows with burglar bars and screens (windows not visible from Deery); replace gutters; remove brick vent on side elevation, not visible from Deery

Italian Villa (1886)
    Two story frame with weatherbord wall covering. Hip roof with lower centered front gable and asphalt shingle roof covering. Scrolled brackets at eaves. Two over two double hung window with one over one double hung windows on rear two story ell. One story two-thirds front porch with truncated wood posts on brick piers, modern spindled balustrade, scrolled brackets under eaves. Three brick chimneys, one interior offset side, one exterior side (vent) and one interior central rear. Stucco foundation. Irregular plan. Projecting one story bay on north elevation.

Bill Bill Barth

Case History