APPROVE. Proposed changes are consistent with adopted Fourth and Gill Design Guidelines.
Location Knoxville
1022 Luttrell St
Rob & Erin Rob & Erin Frost
Applicant Request
Guttering; Porch elements; Other:
Tear down and rebuild chimneys in kind; replace roof with asphalt shingles; repair front porch and return to original appearance by removing enclosed portion and reinstalling bay window (house is twin of Tallman House and exterior changes will replicate that one); tongue Y& groove porch floor and bead board ceiling, replace windows with one over one double hung wood windows to replicate original; remove added window, door and stair in side of brick foundation and replace with small basement vent windows to replicate others existing in house;
Queen Anne (c.1895)
Two story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables, bargeboard in front gable with imbricated shingles, asphalt shingle roof covering. One over one double hung windows with tripled double hung window with multi-paned upper sashes on front elevation. One story one-half front porch (altered from full front porch by enclosing half) with square wood columns. Two interior offset brick chimneys. Brick foundation. Irregular plan.