Design Review Board
Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of Certificate 4-H-21-IH, with the following conditions:
1) Parking to meet City Engineering standards;
2) Use horizontal lap siding instead of Dutch lap or flush panel siding to reflect historic context;
3) Use a foundation height and cladding materials comparable to historic houses on the block;
4) Incorporate a zero-step entry and meet City Homemaker accessibility requirements;
5) Introduce a variation in the design between 1215 Texas Avenue and 1219 Texas Avenue (4-I-21-IH), with approval by staff.
Location 1215 Texas Ave. 37921
OwnerQuinn Quinn Epperly QB Realty Team, LLC QB Realty Team, LLC
Applicant Request
New Primary Structure1. The house is proposed with a front setback of 20.5' from the front porch to the property line, and 28.5' to the primary residence. The proposed new construction at adjacent 1219 Texas Avenue will reflect the same setback pattern. The proposed front setback will maintain front yard spaces consistent with the rest of the block.
2. The 1200 block of Texas Avenue features a variety of simple housing styles, including several Queen Anne cottages, Minimal Traditionals, and some contemporary infill construction. A one-story, modestly-sized house is somewhat smaller in scale than other houses on the block. A 24' wide façade is smaller than original houses on the block. Foundation height should be verified to reflect heights of original houses in the surrounding blocks.
3. The 8' deep front porch meets the design guidelines for size and placement.
4. Guidelines recommend window and door styles to be comparable to original or historic houses on the block; the revised elevation drawings incorporate double-hung windows with sufficient transparency for a small house. Applicant has noted the final window selections will be one-over-one instead of the Prairie-style muntins shown on the elevation drawings.
5. The proposed roof has an 8/12 pitch, which is sufficiently steep to meet the design guidelines. Horizontal siding also meets the design guidelines; applicant should select a lap siding instead of Dutch lap or flush panel siding to reflect historic context.
6. The applicant proposes to extend the driveway off Texas Avenue. While guidelines encourage using operable alleys whenever possible, the alley on the 1200 block of Texas Avenue stops behind 1227 Texas Ave. City Engineering has confirmed the alley is not operable behind 1227 Texas Ave, so access will have to extend off Texas Avenue. The proposed parking meets City Engineering requirements and the Infill Housing guidelines.
7. The site plan shows native shade trees in the façade and rear yards, which meets design guidelines for landscaping. Landscaping is shown to surround the parking pad in the rear.
8. A 10' by 10' rear porch is shown on the site plan but not elevation drawings.
Staff Comments
Proposed new primary residence. House will measure approximately 23' wide by 33' deep, featuring a front porch centered on the façade, measuring approximately 8' deep by 17' wide. The front porch will be set 20.5' from the front property line, with the left (south) elevation set approximately 5.9' from the left (south) property line.
The primary roofline is 8/12 pitch, clad in architectural shingles, with a 2x6 wood fascia board on the gables in the front and rear elevations and 1' eave overhangs on side, front, and rear elevations. The exterior will be clad in horizontal lap siding.
Front porch features a front-gable roof with an 8/12 pitch, supported by two square 6 by 6 posts with square caps and bases.
The façade (east) features two double-hung, one-over-one windows flanking a centrally-located Craftsman-style door. Two double-hung windows are equally spaced on the right (north) elevation, with two on the left (south elevation). The rear elevation features sliding glass doors on the right side.
Access is provided by 10' wide concrete driveway which extends from Texas Avenue, along the right side of the house, with a 16' wide concrete driveway surrounded by landscaping on the rear.