Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Approval to add double-leafed, 2-over-2 SDL casement in front gable. Add 36", 6-over-1 SDL wood double-hung 3x3 window in each end gable on each side of house. Condition to offset/raise horizontal muntin on front gable window. Refurbish wood siding.

1104 Luttrell St 37917

Jeff Jeff Talman - Nancy Young Nancy Young

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Porch elements
Remove aluminum siding and refurbish original wood siding. Add double-leafed, 2-over-2 simulated divided light (SDL) casement 3x3 window in front gable. Add 36", six-over-one SDL wood double-hung window in each end gable on north and south sides of house.

Craftsman (c. 1935)
    One-story frame with brick veneer. Cross gabled roof with imbricated shingles in gable and knee braces. Double-hung windows with six-light prairie-style upper sashes and 1-light lower sashes. Original 6-light entry door.

Jeff Jeff Talman - Nancy Young Nancy Young

Case History