Historic Zoning Commission

Edgewood-Park City:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE demolition of structure. Community Development purchased the building hoping that a rehabilitation would be feasible. They intend to replace the structure with an appropriately designed building which the HZC will be asked to review.

Location Knoxville
2110 Washington Ave

City of Knoxville c/o Rogers Doughty

Applicant Request
Demolish existing building.

Altered Queen Anne (c.1900)
    Two story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Hip roof with lower cross gables, sawn wood shingles under gable, partial cornice returns, vertical paneling on front gable. Enclosed, stone veneered front porch. Recessed entry centered in unenclosed portion of porch with replacement aluminum columns. Double hung one over one and two over one windows with second story upper sash of windows in calmes patterned sashes. Chimneys removed. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Exterior wood stair accessing upper story. Transom and sidelights at front entry.

Rogers Doughty, Project Manager, Department of Development

Case History