Exterior rehabilitation on the rear elevation (shed-roof massing centered on the elevation). Removal of one non-historic window; non-historic, six-panel door to be shifted to the right.
Staff revision, 6.10.2022: Scope of work includes addition of ground-level cellar doors to provide exterior access to basement.
Staff Comments
Queen Anne cottage
One-story residence with a hipped roof with gables projecting to the front and sides. Roof is clad in asphalt shingles, exterior clad in wood lap siding, house rests on a stuccoed foundation. One-story, front-gable roof Craftsman porch projects from the right half of the façade, supported by square columns.
B. Windows 5. It can be appropriate to design and install additional windows on the rear or another secondary elevation. The design must be compatible with the overall design of the building. 6. Windows may not be blocked in. They must retain the full height and width of the original opening.
D. Entrances 3. It may be appropriate to design or construct a new entrance if the historic one is completely missing. Any restoration shall be based on historical, pictorial, or physical documentation, if available. It shall be compatible with the historic character of the building or with adjacent buildings. 4. A replacement entrance shall not create a false historic appearance. A new entrance or porch must be compatible in size, scale, or material. 6. Rear entrances may not be altered to make them appear to be formal entrances by adding paneled doors, fanlights, transoms, or sidelights. 7. Secondary entrances must be compatible with the original in size, scale, and materials, but clearly secondary in importance.