Historic Zoning Commission

Village of Concord HZ: Level III


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends the HZC approve the COA for construction of a new house and detached garage as currently proposed.

Location Knox County
Third Dr 37934

Southeast side of Third Drive between Olive Road and Spring Street

Daniel and Laura Daniel and Laura Benner

Applicant Request
Level III Construction of a new house and detached garage
Accessory structure; Other: new construction
Construction of a new, 1,791 sq. ft., two-story single-family homeand 484 sq. ft. garage.

Roof: Asphalt Shingle
Gutters: Dark Bronze
Siding:James Hardie plank - horizontal lap, Colorplus series, Smooth, 4" exposure, Artic White

Soffit and Fascia: James Hardie plank, Colorplus series, Artic White

Windows: Vinyl, white, 2 over 2 grid pattern

Shutters: Board & Batten style, Painted black

Porch Posts: 6"square post, James Hardie Wrapped, Artic White

Foundation Chimney: Brick, General Shale, Driftwood Queen (Brown)

Porch: Floors- Broom finish concrete, Railing - White picket rail, painted Artic White

22' W x 24' D

Roof: Asphalt Shingle
Gutters: Dark Bronze
Siding: James Hardie plank - horizontal lap and board and batten Colorplus series, Smooth, 4" exposure ,Artic White
Soffit and Fascia: James Hardie plank, Colorplus series, Artic White, Windows, Vinyl, white, 2 over 2 grid pattern
Shutters: Board & Batten style, Painted black
Garage Doors: Wayne Dalton 9700 series, Lexington Square, White

Staff Comments
Two-story farmhouse style cottage
    Property is currently a vacant .81 acre lot on the southeast side of Third Drive between Olive Road and Spring Street in the Village of Concord Historic District.

New buildings should be compatible with surrounding architecture, but their design should recognize that they will function as a new building and will be built with new materials.New buildings constructed in historic areas should, however, be compatible with older structures and sensitive to the patterns already in that environment. A building should not be visually incompatible or disrespect historic relationships within the neighborhood.

The form of the houses is rectangular or irregular, with narrow sides facing the street. This development pattern should be respected if new structures are built in the neighborhood.

The size and proportions of new buildings should be consistent with historic or adjacent buildings in the neighborhood. Recessed or projecting porches, bays and other details should be incorporated into any new construction. Any new buildings should complement and reinforce neighboring buildings.

Auxiliary or outbuildings are sometimes found in Concord, and would have included carriage houses, barns, outhouses and sheds. Buildings that resemble carriage houses, work buildings or simple one-story garages may be appropriate for the historic district. Their size and construction should duplicate the original outbuildings that would have been found.

1. Maintain the facade lines of streetscapes. Never violate the existing setback pattern by placing new buildings in front of or behind the historic setback line, or at odd angles.
2. Relate the size and proportions of new structures to the scale of adjacent buildings.
3. Break up box-like forms into smaller masses like historic buildings. New buildings should be designed with a mix of door and window elements in the facade mimicking nearby historic houses.The placement of door and window openings should be imitated.
4. Relate the vertical, horizontal character of new buildings to the directional alignment of nearby buildings.
5. Relate the roof forms of the new buildings to those found in the area, duplicating existing roof shapes and pitches.
6. New buildings shall equal the average height of existing adjacent buildings.
7. New housing shall be built with raised foundations or designed to suggest that there is a raised foundation equal to the foundation height of adjacent buildings.
8. In new buildings, the height of roofs and eaves, stories, windows and doors shall mimic adjacent historic buildings.
9. The materials used for new buildings shall be consistent with existing historic building materials along the street.
10. Front elevations shall have a strong sense of entry.
15. Garages and other outbuildings shall resemble outbuildings that have been historically constructed in the Village of Concord.

Daniel and Laura Daniel and Laura Benner

Planning Staff
Amy Brooks
Phone: 865-215-4001
Email: amy.brooks@knoxplanning.org

Case History