Point front chimney, using Preservation Brief No. 2; rebuild rear chimney; replace slate roof with asphalt shingle from main cross ridge back to rear of building; remove current deteriorated internal gutter and metal fascia and rebuild, flashing to edge of roof and hanging ogee gutter, then repairing fascia under gutter; duplicate and repair all moldings with exception of gutter and fascia; replace front entry with half-view two panel door; rebuild columns on front porch; replace existing balusters with balusters of identical design; remove added exterior screened rear porch and install five 4"x4" chamfered columns to mimic existing; install 1"x10" at edge of front porch; remove added concrete step at rear of house; remove added door and reside to match existing wood siding; install parge coat to replace/repair existing stucco and cover existing concrete block, using dye to match house.
Queen Anne (c.1890)
Two story frame with weatherbord wall covering, wood shingles on turret. Jerkin-head cross gable roof with slate covering and cornice returns on gables, finials, cresting, sawn wood bargeboard, turret and sawn wood brackets at eaves. One story wrap around front and side porch with turned wood columns, spindle work balustrade. Double hung one over one tall, narrow windows. Two interior offset corbelled brick chimneys. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Transom over front entry.