Historic Zoning Commission
Scenic Drive NC: Level II
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of Certificate 4-F-23-HZ, subject to one condition: 1) swimming pool to meet relevant aspects of City zoning code, with minor modifications to the site plan to be approved by staff.
Location Knoxville
523 Scenic Dr. 37919
OwnerNed and Jessica Ned and Jessica Vickers
Applicant Request
AdditionsExterior rehabilitation (enclosure of existing rear screened-in porch to create new internal space, and removal of bay window on north elevation); new secondary structure; new in-ground pool.
Existing screened-in porch on rear left (northwest) corner of house is proposed to be enclosed within the existing foundation and roofline, featuring 6" fiber cement lap siding, double-hung windows to match windows on existing house, and new full-light sliding glass doors on the rear elevation. The existing stone steps will be removed and replaced with a 4' by 13' wood landing and steps with Trex decking.
New in-ground pool: an 18' by 36', rectangular swimming pool will be installed to the rear of the building (west end of property), surrounded by concrete deck and to receive fencing and gate required by code.
New secondary structure: open pool pavilion, to feature a 14/12 cross-gable roof clad in asphalt shingles, with gables featuring timber details to reflect decorative half-timbering on house. Rectangular pavilion will feature 8 by 8 square wood posts and an exterior chimney clad in stone veneer.
On the north (left side) elevation, a projecting bay window will be removed. Two casement windows will be installed on the north elevation, one in the location of the bay window and one further towards the rear of the house. The openings will be infilled with new framing and new brick cladding to match the existing.
APPROVED 4.20.23 subject to one condition: 1) swimming pool to meet relevant aspects of City zoning code, with minor modifications to the site plan to be approved by staff.
Staff Comments
Tudor Revival, c.1929One-and-one-half story frame residence with a cross gable roof clad in asphalt shingles, brick veneer wall covering, and decorative half-timbering on stuccoed gables and dormer.
New Construction - Primary Buildings, Additions and Accessory Buildings
6. New additions and constructions shall conform to the prevailing widths and heights of typical facades of adjacent houses. The footprint of new additions and constructions should be in character and proportion with contributing neighboring houses, even if originally platted lots have been combined into larger lots. Detached accessory buildings shall be proportional to the house in height and size.
9. The recommended location for additions is to the rear or side of existing buildings. Additions to the front of buildings are strongly discouraged because they obscure the original architectural designs. Front additions are not appropriate for contributing structures. If additions are to be made to the side elevations of existing buildings, they should be located at least five feet behind the front facade of the existing building.
10. Detached accessory buildings, including carports and detached garages, should be located at least fifteen feet to the rear of the front facade line and no nearer than five feet to a side or rear lot line. In size, they should not exceed the building footprint of the principal building and should be consistent in scale with the primary building on the lot.
11. The design of additions, accessory buildings, including carports, and modifications, in particular the front facade of the house, should be consistent with the character of the main structure.
12. If an addition or modification is made to an existing house, the wall cladding material should match or complement those on the existing house. Traditional combinations such as wood clapboard or wood shingle siding additions on brick or stone primary structures are acceptable if matching materials cannot be secured. The roofing material for additions and modifications should match the existing roofing material.
1. The size of window openings on the front and any visible side facades should be consistent with the design of the new building and with other houses of similar architectural design.
2. High quality fixed grid windows should be used. Snap-in grid windows should not be used. Simulated divided light windows with fixed external muntins or mullions are encouraged.
3. Proportion and style of windows shall be appropriate to the design type. Replacement windows are encouraged to duplicate the look and quality of the original. Palladium style windows should not be used unless in keeping with the original character of the house.
Site Design
1. New buildings and additions shall be designed to set into the landscape with a minimum of reshaping to the topography and loss of mature trees.
5. The maximum lot coverage of impermeable features such as paving, roofs, pools, patios, and other features shall be minimized as much as possible, in order not to create excessive run-off.