Historic Zoning Commission

Edgewood-Park City:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE. Proposed work is consistent with previously approved Certificates and with the design guidelines for Edgewood-Park City.

Location Knoxville
2110 E Jefferson Ave

H. Bernard Ammons

Applicant Request
Deck; Doors; Masonry repair/painting; Porch elements; Roofing; Siding; Windows
1) Replace rear windows on second story, not visible from street, to meet egress requirements for fire code. Also replace window on side (north) elevation to provide accessibility to satisfy fire(building)codes. 2) Remove asbestos siding, repairing wood siding or replacing in kind as necssary or repair asbestos siding if possible. 3) Patch existing stucco on brick foundation as necssary. 4) Repair existing wrought iron railing on front steps or install new wood railing with 2x2 spindles on 4" centers. 5) Repari front gable vent. 6) Repair fascia, soffit and eaves in kind as necessary. 7) Install new tongue & groove front porch decking. 8) Repair porch posts. 9) Replace porch beam in kind. 10) Replace casement windows on side elevations with wood, diamond paned casement windows to match originals. 11) Install six panel door on rear elevation and rear deck, not visible from Jefferson. 13) Install new side dormer on north elevation to match existing dormer in setback from front elevation and with same slope and trim details as existing dormer; 14) reroof.

Tudor Revival with Bungalow influence., (c.1915)
    One and one-half story frame with asbestos shingle wall covering. Gable roof with asphalt shingle covering, dormers and knee braces, extending eaves. One story front porch with round fluted columns and pilasters with Ionic capitals. Projecting one story bay. Double hung one over one and diamond paned uppser sashes over one windows. Two interior offset stuccoed chimneys. Stuccoed foundation. Irregular plan. Transom and sidelights at front entry, which are diamond patterned with wood mullions.

H. Bernard Ammons

Case History