DENY. Vinyl siding wall cladding is not consistent with adopted Old North Knoxville Design Guidelines.
Location Knoxville
1334 Grainger Ave
Tammy Tammy Sentell - R R
Applicant Request
Add vinyl siding to existing weatherboard exterior wall cladding.
Folk Victorian with Queen Anne influence (c.1885)
Two story frame with weatherboard and sawn wood shingle wall covering. Steeply pitched hip roof with lower cross gables and fish scale shaped asphalt shingle roof covering, square wood louvered attic vents, and centered gabled attic dormer with sawn wood shingles. One over one double hung windows with Queen Anne stained glass transoms on front façade. One story three-quarter front porch with round wood columns and engaged pilasters with Corinthian columns, sawn wood balustrade. Interior offset front brick chimney. Stuccoed brick foundation. Irregular plan. Double front entry. Projecting bay on east elevation.