Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the roof replacement and associated repair work, and repair to (or reconstruction) of the original chimneys, with design and size to match the original.

Location Knoxville
1009 Gratz St. 37917

Cassandra Cassandra Hough

Applicant Request
Roofing; Other: Chimneys
Proposed removal of two interior brick masonry chimneys on side roof slopes. Chimneys are evenly spaced along side roof slopes, with one chimney missing a top course of bricks and one supported by aluminum framing with a round aluminum flue. Scope of work also includes replacement of existing asphalt shingle roof cladding with new dimensional shingle cladding, along with installation of new ridge vents and drip edge along roof eaves.

APPROVED AS MODIFIED 4.21.23 - HZC approves the roof replacement and associated repair work; and repair to (or reconstruction) of the original chimneys, with design and size to match the original.

Staff Comments
Colonial Revival cottage, c.1910
    One-and-one-half-story residence with a hipped roof clad in asphalt shingles and an exterior of fiber cement board siding. Hipped porch supported by squared columns is centered on the façade. Hipped-roof dormer with two casement windows centered on façade roof slope.

9. Chimneys should not be removed or altered if they are original and should match the original design if they must be replaced or have been removed.
3. Replace an entire masonry feature that is too deteriorated to repair. Use the remaining physical evidence to guide the new work, and match new to old. Examples can include large sections of a wall, a cornice, balustrade, column, or stairway.

3. Repair or replace roof details (chimneys, roof cresting, finials, attic vent windows, molding, and other unique roof features). Use some of these details in designing new buildings.

Spencer Spencer Hough - Circle Summit Design LLC Circle Summit Design LLC

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.lanois@knoxplanning.org

Case History