Design Review Board
Lonsdale Infill Housing Overlay District
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommend approval of Certificate 4-E-21-IH, with the following conditions:
1) Parking to meet City Engineering requirements;
2) Use a vinyl lap siding with an overlap (similar to adjacent properties) instead of Dutch lap or flush panels.
Location 3401 Bishop St. 37921
OwnerEast Tennessee Housing Development Corp
Applicant Request
New Primary Structure1. The proposed new house will be located on a block characterized by a steep topographic slope and comparable new construction developed by the same applicant. The average front setback of the block is 54'. The proposed front setback of 65' will be in line with the five houses to the north and maintain consistent front yard space. The proposed design includes a concrete walkway from the front porch to the driveway.
2. The block is characterized by one-story new construction designed by the same applicant, with other contemporary infill construction across the street. The proposed one-story house is proportional to the narrow dimensions of the lot and the other houses on the block. The site plan shows consistent side yard setbacks with the block. The final site plan should confirm the application maintains 40% or under impervious surface coverage.
3. To meet City Engineering requirements, the driveway must have at or under a 15% slope for emergency access; final drawings will need to adjust the grade or use retaining walls to accomplish. Parking meets the design guidelines, located behind the primary residence on a street without an operable alley, and should meet all City Engineering requirements.
4. The one-story, three-bay façade is similar in scale and width to the block. The proposed foundation height responds to the lot's topography and mirrors the adjacent properties. The design incorporates a projecting bay on the façade for additional complexity.
5. The design incorporates a 10' deep front porch.
6. Windows and doors are compatible with the surrounding block, and side elevations feature a sufficient number of windows.
7. The roof pitch is sufficiently steep for the neighborhood context and the house uses a roof pitch detail which is differentiated from the adjacent property.
8. Roof cladding, siding, and foundation materials meet the design guidelines and are compatible with the context. The proposed vinyl siding should use an overlap (like the adjacent properties) instead of Dutch lap or flush panels.
9. The site plan notes "trees exceeding 6 inches in diameter not impacted by construction to remain." If all trees are removed, the final project should incorporate a native or naturalized shade tree in the front and rear yards.
Staff Comments
Proposed new residence, approximately 1,176 sq. ft., fronting Bishop Street. One-story residence features a front-gable roof (7/12 pitch, clad in asphalt shingles), an exterior of vinyl lap siding, and a split-face concrete masonry unit foundation. The house is proposed to be set 65' from the façade to the front property line, Parking is accessed by a 10' wide driveway which extends off Bishop Street to a 20' by 20' parking pad to the rear of the house. There is not an operable alley.
The façade (east) features a smaller front-gable roof massing projecting from the right half, adjacent to a recessed corner porch on the left half. The porch is supported by 8" square vinyl columns and a picket railing, and accessible by concrete steps. Paired six-over-six double-hung windows flank a half-light door on the facade. Due to the site's topography, the foundation height is approximately 8" tall on the right side and 5'-8" tall on the left side. A wood deck extends from a secondary entryway on the rear, accessible by a pressure-treated wood ramp.