Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends approval of the work as proposed, with the following conditions: 1) specifications for new secondary entry doors be submitted to staff for approval; 2) final specs (including measurements, dimensions, and design elements) for wood replacement columns and brick pier elements be submitted to staff for approval; 3) submit specifications of side and rear dormer windows to staff for approval.

Location Knoxville
120 Leonard Place 37917

New Season Properties, LLC

Applicant Request
Doors; Guttering; Masonry repair/painting; Porch; Roofing; Siding; Windows
Full exterior rehabilitation project.

Repair and reconstruction of front porch. Applicant proposes repair and reconstruction in patches to front porch foundation, including brick veneer. Existing brick will be salvaged and reinstalled for foundation. Brick column piers will be stabilized, which will necessitate the removal and reinstallation of brick veneer cladding in places. Round wood columns (currently hollow) are proposed to be removed and replaced, using custom-built solid wood round columns to match in size and design. Plywood covering front porch to be removed, installation of wood tongue-and-groove porch flooring.

Removal of non-historic stucco cladding. Repair and replacement in patches of existing wood siding. Unique siding detail on front and side elevations to be retained and reconstructed where necessary.

Repair and repointing to brick masonry chimneys.

Replacement of existing asphalt shingle roof with new asphalt shingle roof. Repair and replacement in patches to wood fascia and soffits.

Repair to front door and sidelights. Replacement of secondary exterior doors.

Repair to existing windows.

Conditions of approval identified at 4/15/21 HZC Meeting: 1) specifications for new secondary entry doors be submitted to staff for approval; 2) final specs (including measurements, dimensions, and design elements) for wood replacement columns and brick pier elements be submitted to staff for approval; 3) submit specifications of side and rear dormer windows to staff for approval.

Staff Comments
Queen Anne cottage
    One-and-one-half-story residence with a hipped roof clad in asphalt shingles, an exterior clad in non-historic stucco, and a brick masonry foundation. A hipped dormer with paired one-over-one, double-hung wood windows is centered on the façade. A hipped-roof porch supported by four round wood columns on brick piers extends the length of the façade. Brick masonry relements are a yellow brick. Half-light wood door flanked by half-light wood sidelights. Three yellow brick chimneys.

A. Roofs
3. Repair or replace roof details (chimneys, roof cresting, finials, attic vent windows, molding, bargeboards, and other unique roof features). Use some of these details in designing new buildings.
4. Materials used in roofing existing buildings or new construction shall duplicate the roofing materials originally found in the neighborhood. Asphalt or fiberglass shingles can be appropriate, as are wood, slate, standing seam metal, or metal shingle or tile roof coverings. The color of roofing materials should be a dark green, charcoal gray, black or dark reddish brown to simulate the original roof colors.

B. Windows
1. Original windows shall be reused if possible. It will be much less expensive and much better historically to retain the original windows, and it is inappropriate to replace them with new windows that differ in size, material, or pane division.
2. If replacement windows are necessary, they shall be the same overall size as the originals, with the same pane division and same muntin depth, width, and profile. They shall be the same materials as the original windows, which were generally wood.

C. Porches
1. Historic porches on houses in ONK should be repaired, or may replicate the original porch if documentation of its size and design can be discovered.
2. Design elements to be incorporated in any new porch design must include tongue and groove wood floors, beadboard ceilings, wood posts and/or columns and sawn and turned wood trim when appropriate. If balustrades are required, they must be designed with spindles set into the top and bottom rails.

D. Entrances
1. Entry features which shall be preserved include sidelights and transoms of plain, patterned, beveled, or stained glass, fan light windows and transoms, entablatures, and the original doors.
6. Service (rear) entrances may not be altered to make them appear to be formal entrances by adding paneled doors, fanlights, transoms or sidelights.
7. Secondary entrances must be compatible with the original in size, scale and materials, but clearly secondary in importance.

E. Wood Wall Coverings
2. Do not use destructive paint removal methods such as propane or butane torches, sandblasting, or water blasting. These methods can damage historic wood. Blasting with any material is an abrasive technique and should not be used.
3. Replacement siding must duplicate the original. Trim and patterned shingles that must be replaced must also duplicate the original materials.
5. Wooden features shall be repaired by patching, piecing-in, or otherwise reinforcing the wood. Repair may also include limited replacement with matching or compatible substitute materials, when elements remain and can be copied.
7. Replace only deteriorated wood. Reconstructing in order to achieve a uniform or "improved," "new" appearance is inappropriate because of the loss of good historic materials.
9. Paint shall not be removed from unprotected wood surfaces in order to apply stain or clear finish that will permanently reveal bare wood. This exposes historically painted surfaces to greatly increased weathering.
10. Remove damaged or deteriorated paint only to the next sound layer using the gentlest method possible (eg hand sanding or hand scraping).

F. Masonry Wall Coverings
1. Never waterblast masonry surfaces.
2. Never sandblast brick or stone surfaces using dry or wet grit or other abrasives.
4. Identify and preserve masonry features that define the historic character of the building, including walls, railings, foundations, chimneys, columns and piers, cornice and door and window elements.
5. Replace an entire masonry features that is too deteriorated to repair. Use the remaining physical evidence to guide the new work, and match new to old. Examples can include large sections of a wall, a cornice, balustrade, columns, stairways, or chimneys.
7. Match replacement mortar to the original mortar in color, composition, profile, and depth. If necessary, analyze the original mortar to determine the proportions of lime, sand, and cement. A 'scrub' technique shall not be used to repoint. The width or joint profile shall not be changed unless the change will return the joint to its original appearance. Sound mortar should not be removed.
8. Never repoint with mortar of high Portland cement content, unless that is the content of the original mortar.
9. Historic masonry shall not be coated with paint, stucco, vapor permeable water-repellent coatings, or other non-historic coatings.

Tyler Tyler Stinnett

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795
Email: lindsay.lanois@knoxplanning.org

Case History