Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE. Proposed work improves alterations made prior to H-1 designation, and returns a larger front porch with appropriate turned wood columns and railing to building.

Location Knoxville
308 E Scott Ave

Starks Properties, Inc. (Roy Hall)

Applicant Request
Porch elements; Siding; Windows
1) Replace unoriginal wood windows with wood, double hung one over one windows; 2) Replace wood siding in kind; 3) Reduce size of pre-existing porch enclosure to allow greater width on front porch; 4) Replace six panel metal doors in kind; 5) Install beadboard porch ceiling; 6) Install turned wood porch posts with sawn wood ornament; 7) Install railing with 2"x2" pickets on 5" centers set into top and bottom rails; 8) Replace tongue & groove porch floor in kind; 9) Replace metal roof over added front door with shed roof with sawn wood brackets.

Queen Anne Cottage (1903)
    One story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Hip with lower cross gable roof with asphalt hsingle covering, bargeboard and fishscale pattern wood shingles in front gable. One story projecting bay on west elevation with added door. Double hung replacement windows. One story one bay recessed front entry. Porch altered by partial enclosure, with 4"x4" wood post. Brick and stuccoed foundation. Irregular plan.

Starks Properties, Inc. (Roy Hall)

Case History