Level II. Major repair or replacement of materials or architectural elements
Other: Add roof parapet
Construct roof parapet of which 17+ or - inches in height will be visible above the existing wood cornice. The material is to be brick to match the existing façade and capped by a metal coping.
Staff Comments
Commercial Vernacular (c. 1905)
McBee Trading Company Building. Two-story brickbuilding with elaborate corbelling, limestone sills, lintels and cornice and altered storefront. A dry goods store named the McBee Trading Company was the first occupant of this building, followed by the Huff Edington department store. In 1935, it became a White Store and by 1950 a clothing store.
NEW CONSTRUCTION (Infill) 1. The average height and width of the surrounding buildings shall determine a general set of proportions for an infill structure or the bays of a larger structure.
2. Infill buildings shall fill the space and reflect the rhythm of other facades on Market Square, with larger spaces being broken into smaller bays.
3. The organization of the facade of new infill shall be consistent with other Market Square buildings, with a storefront, upper story windows and cornice.
5. New buildings shall reflect some of the detailing of surrounding buildings in window shapes, cornices and brick work.
6. New buildings shall be composed of materials similar to adjacent facades.
7. The height and setback of new buildings shall be consistent with neighboring buildings.