Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

The applicant has a recently expired Certificate. He is working on the building, and has made very good progress, but a few details remain to be completed. He has reapplied to avoid expiration of his building permit.

Location Knoxville
915 Luttrell St 37917

Ron Hall

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Installing French doors on back; repair and replace siding; roof repair; point brick foundation using Preservation Brief No. 2; adjust rear grade to prevent drainage into rear of house. (This work reflects primary work not completed from prior Certificate; remainder of work has been completed.)

Queen Anne (c.1910)
    Two story frame. Aluminum siding recently removed to reveal weatherboard with trim marking bay window. Enclosed original front porch leaving concrete stoop at front entry. Cross gable roof with aspahlt shingle roof covering. Two over two double hung windows. Interior offset brick chimney. Stuccoed foundation, with stucco removed in places to reveal original brick foundation. Irregular plan. Dentil molding at entry door.

Case History