Design Review Board
Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of Certificate 4-C-23-IH, subject to the following conditions: 1) revision to front setback to align with adjacent houses; 2) porch columns to be increased to 8 by 8; 3) final site plan to meet City Engineering standards; 4) final site plan to include native or naturalized shade trees to be planted in front and rear yards.
Location Chickamauga Ave. 37917
OwnerJosh Josh Braden
Applicant Request
New Primary Structure1. The house is proposed to be set 21' from the front property line at the closest point. The block has an irregular front yard pattern, with houses on the east side of the block set further from the street and moving closer as the block moves west. The average front setback of the block is 28' with the adjacent houses set 38' and 36' from the front property line. The front setback should move towards the rear of the property to align with the two surrounding houses. The final site plan should include a walkway from the front door to the street.
2. The block to receive new construction is characterized by one- and 1.5-story Minimal Traditionals and infill construction. The 1.5-story, three-bay residence Is proportional to the dimensions of the lot and the side yard setbacks are consistent with the block.
3. The proposed parking meets Infill Housing guidelines as the parking pad is accessed from the alley and located to the rear. The final site plan may need minor modifications to meet City Engineering standards. The final site plan should adhere to the base zoning requirements, including impervious surface limits.
4. Overall, the 1.5-story, three-bay façade is similar in scale to the context. The foundation height indicated on elevation drawings is consistent with the historic context.
5. The site plan includes an 8' deep front porch, recessed into the primary façade. The porch is compatible with the design of the house and the surrounding block. 8 by 8 posts may be more proportional to the façade, and final drawings may require a guardrail around the porch.
6. Guidelines recommend window and door styles be similar, with similar proportions and ratio of solid to void, to historic houses on the block. Overall, the design includes a significant amount of windows on the façade and side elevations. The Board may choose to discuss the two fixed small windows closest to the street on the right side elevation.
7. The roof pitch and material are appropriate within the guidelines.
8. The final siding selection should be a smooth-finished, lap siding with a 4-5" exposure, compatible with the neighborhood context.
9. Final site plan should show a new native or naturalized shade tree to be planted in the front and rear yards.
Staff Comments
New primary residence fronting Chickamauga Avenue. One-and-one-half-story, cross-gable roof residence measuring 28' wide by 62' long, with a smaller front-gable roof massing projecting from the left half of the façade, adjacent to a recessed corner porch on the right. The house is proposed to be set 21' from the front property line. Parking is located behind the house and accessed from the alley, with an 18' by 64' concrete driveway.
The house features a 7/12 pitch on the primary side gable, with a 10/12 pitch on the centrally-located front gable; the roof will be clad in asphalt shingles. The exterior will be clad in fiber cement lap siding. Windows are 1/1 double-hung (no material specified) with 1 by 6 trim boards. The façade (north) features an 8' deep, recessed corner porch. A centrally located door is flanked by two bays of paired 1/1 double-hung windows.
The right side elevation features three different sizes of windows, including one double-hung window on the second-story gable field. The left elevation features three double-hung windows, including one in the upper gable field, and two small fixed windows. A screened-in porch is located on the rear corner of the property.