Historic Zoning Commission

Village of Concord HZ: Level II


Staff Recommendation

Approval of the rear addition as per submitted drawings with conditions that: 1) a half-light door be installed on east side instead of French door as noted on plans, 2) the exposed concrete slab foundation of the addition be parged, 3) raise the slab as high as possible to reduce appearance of slab.

Location Knox County
10725 Lake Ridge Dr 37934

Michael and Linda Michael and Linda Pitts

Applicant Request
Level II. Construction of addition or outbuilding
Construct 20'x36' one-story rear, vinyl-clad addition on slab as indicated by submitted plans. Addition to be flush with easternmost projection and to project two feet from existnig façade on west side.

Staff Comments
Victorian Vernacular (c. 1880)
    One-story frame house with weatherboard siding. Cross gable roof with asphalt shingle roof covering. Piered stone foundation fille in with concrete block. Picture window on front elevation. Boxed cornice with plain frieze. Diamond-shaped attic vents. Plain wood porch posts with sawn wood balustrade. Lattice work under porch. Additions. Rectangular plan. ( Contributing)

NEW DEVELOPMENT: RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS - ADDITIONS (any and all design guidelines may apply):
12. New additions shall be located at the rear or on an inconspicuous side of a historic building, limiting the size and scale in relation to the historic building.

13. New additions shall be designed so that it is clear what is new and what is old, but should be compatible with existing buildings.

14. New additions shall not alter the basic character of the building, or cause a lessening of historic character.

Recessed or projecting porches, bays and other details should be incorporated in any new construction. New buildings should also be designed with a mixture of wall areas with door and window elements in the facade like those found on neighboring historic houses. New additions to existing houses should use foundation materials that match the foundation already present on the house.

New buildings should be compatible with surrounding architecture, but their design should recognize
that they will function as a new building and will be built with new materials. They should not be
imitations of buildings of the past; rather, they should respond to the present time, the environment, and
the use for which they are intended. New buildings constructed in historic areas should, however, be
compatible with older structures and sensitive to the patterns already in that environment. The materials
that cover its exterior surface largely determine the appearance of a building. Similar materials enhance
continuity and character. A building should not be visually incompatible or destroy historic relationships within the neighborhood.
At the same time, new construction should not imitate a historic style or period of architecture.

Historic houses in the Village of Concord are not built on slab foundations. They are built on raised
foundations, usually made of brick that has sometimes been stuccoed. New additions to existing houses
should use foundation materials that match the foundation already present on the house. New houses
should use brick or concrete block that has been parged or stuccoed to resemble a stuccoed brick
foundation. The height of the foundation should match those on adjacent houses.


9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historic materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale, and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment.

10. Wherever possible, new additions or alterations to structure shall be done in such a manner that if such additions or alterations were to be removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the structure would not be impaired.

Case History