Historic Zoning Commission

Fourth and Gill H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE Certificate No. 329114G. Proposed rear addition is at rear of building and limited in size and scale to the historic building. See Recommendations, New Additions, ## 1, 2, 4, 8, pg. 18, and outbuildings, pg. 19, Design Guidelines.

Location Knoxville
721 Luttrell St

Benjamin and Uta Preston

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
Porch elements
1) Construct rear screened porch, not visible from Luttrell, size a size of 12'x18', gabled roof, square posts, wood steps, and supported on concrete piers, with decl level with interior floor, shingled to match existing roof shingles.
2) Demolish existing shed (sized at 16'x10'x13' tall) and build new smaller wood shed (12'x8'x9'4" tall) in opposite corner of rear yard, not visible from Luttrell. Shed to have double doors with lower cross bracing, one over one double hung window, wood wall cladding and side gable roof.

Queen Anne (c.1895)
    Two story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Cross gable roof with beadboard in front gable, asphalt shingle roof covering, and sawn wood bargeboard on front gable. Two over two double hung replacement windows. Segmental arched effect created by sawn wood brackets on one story full front porch, chamfered wood columns, pendants at center of arches created by brackets with applied sunburst design. One interior central brick chimney, one exterior side brick chimney and one interior offset front brick chimney. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Projecting bays on front elevation. Rear ell with shed roof.

    One story wood outbuilding with gabled roof, asphalt shingle roof covering, not listed as contributing.

Benjamin and Uta Preston

Case History