Historic Zoning Commission

Old North Knoxville H-1: Level II


Staff Recommendation

APRPOVE Certificate No. 31910ONK. Proposed outbuilding is not visible from the street, with wood shingles, but suggests the original sheds that would have been found in the neighborhood, although it uses wood shingles rather than lap siding.

Location Knoxville
1325 Armstrong Ave

Heather Joyner Spica

Applicant Request
Level II. Replacement/repair
DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE - 1) Install 8x10 gable roofed shed on pre-existing concrete pad located at rear of lot. Shed to be shingled in cedar shingles, with double doors at 4' opening and cedar shingled roof. Shed will not be visible from Armstrong.
APPROVED - 2) Install antique lamp and lamppost at top of front steps (where ADT sign is located in photo.
DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE - 3) Install round top wood arbor adjacent to lamp, painted to match house trim.
APPROVED - 4) Add 18x12 deck outside kitchen doors on south side of yard, within fence, with lattice panels. Deck to be behind wood fence enclosing rear yard, and not visible from Armstrong.
APPROVED - 5) Add storm windows on unprotected windows, to match the existing, or to replace storm windows in need of replacement;
APPROVED - 6) Add satellite dish at rear, not visible from Armstrong.

Queen Anne (1899)
    Two story frame with weatherboard wall covering. Cross hipped roof with asphalt shingle covering, hipped dormers with wood shingles on side walls. Double hung two over one windows. One story wrap around porch with pediment at canted corner, dentils at eaves and round wood columns with Ionic capitals. Two interior offset brick chimneys. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. Two story projecting bay on front elevation with calmes (diamond paned) upper sash. One story projecting bay on south elevation.

Heather Joyner Spica

Case History