Historic Zoning Commission

Edgewood-Park City:


Staff Recommendation

APPROVE. Proposed work is consistent with the Secretary of Interior's Standards and with the adopted design guidelines (17-2, 19-1, 21-2, 21-3 & 21-6).

Location Knoxville
1712 Washington Ave

Parkridge Renovations Company (Matt Edens)

Applicant Request
Doors; Guttering; Masonry repair/painting; Porch elements; Siding; Storm windows or doors; Other: construct addition for second story access
Rehabilitate exterior, replicating as nearly as possible the original George Barber design. Uncover original front entry and nstall new front door in original location. Construct shed roof bay on west elevation to house second story access stair; bay will be similar to bay on east elevation . (Interior stair removed several decades ago.) Repair windows or replace in kind. Install guttering. Remove vinyl siding and repairing or replacing wood siding in kind. Repair porch columns as necessary and replace bullnose porch surface with tongue in groove flooring. Repair beadboard porch ceiling. Install new double hung wood windows on modern addition at rear (south elevation) which is not visible from street, and install new wood siding on addition. Repair stucco on foundation. Rebuild chimney to replicate original.

Queen Anne with Eastlake and Neoclassical influences. (c.1890)
    Two story frame with aluminum siding. Cross gable roof with asphalt shingle roof covering, ornate bargeboard with linear and circular carved patterns. One story wrap around front and side porch with turned wood columns with Ionic columns. Projecting bays with incised sunburst panel and fishscale trim, ornate scrolled brackets. Double hung one over one windows, with cottage windows on front façade. Interior offset brick chimney. Brick foundation. Irregular plan. One story contemporary addition on rear façade. Freestanding wooden fire stair on south elevation. House was designed by George Barber and appears in "Cottage Souvenir No. 1". Modifications occurred on the front elevation c. 1912, and may have also been designed by George Barber, who lived across the street at the time.

Parkridge Renovations Company (Matt Edens)

Case History