Design Review Board

Oakwood/Lincoln Park Infill Housing Overlay District


Staff Recommendation

Recognizing the special site circumstances prohibiting alley access, staff recommends after-the-fact approval of the new driveway, subject to meeting City Engineering requirements. Staff recommends after-the-fact approval of the new front porch, subject to the following condition: 1) removal of horizontal railing and installation of vertical posts to meet design guidelines.

400 E. Oldham Ave. 37917

Kelly Kelly Stephenson

Applicant Request
Changes to porches visible from the primary street; Driveways, parking pads, access point, garages or similar facilities
1. In the Infill Housing overlay, administrative (Level 1) COAs may be issued for minor modifications to existing porches and new driveways which meet the design guidelines; all other matters are delegated to the Design Review Board (Article 16.6.E.2).

2. All work was completed without a permit or a COA and is being reviewed after-the-fact.

3. The new front porch extends an existing stoop to the full length of the house, which is generally supported by the design guidelines, provided the posts and railings are comparable to those "used in the historic era of the neighborhood's development." The horizontal porch railings are a contemporary design and do not meet the guidelines.

4. The applicant is required to add a roof above the porch, for compliance with the City zoning code, which prohibits decks (uncovered porches) in the front yard. The applicant proposes to add metal panels above the pergola supports. The guidelines do not speak to roofing materials, and at the proposed pitch, the metal will be minimally visible from the street.

5. New front driveways on properties without alleys do not meet the design guidelines. Most other houses on the block, including the adjacent new construction recently approved by the DRB, use the alley for access. The City zoning code (Article 16.6.D.3) also states "an alley must serve as the primary means of ingress and egress for all dwelling units unless special site circumstances or conditions prohibit alley access, such as exceptional narrowness or topography." An approximately 30' wide garage structure blocks the alley access from the rear yard.

6. The new driveway requires extensive work to the curb line, sidewalk in the apron, connection to the street, and concrete poured in the right-of-way to come into compliance with City Engineering.

Staff Comments
After-the-fact review of new front porch and new front driveway.

Front-gable roof stoop was replaced with a full-length, 5'-7" deep front porch, featuring horizontal wood railing and a full-length wood pergola above. The pergola is not considered a roof, so the front porch is considered a "deck" by the City zoning code standards and requires a roof covering or to be removed. The applicant has proposed the addition of black metal panel panels, at a 2/12 pitch, to the pergola structure to create a roof.

New front driveway, measuring 9'-3" wide. The driveway was constructed without Infill Housing approval or a permit from the City of Knoxville.

Kelly Kelly Stephenson

Planning Staff
Lindsay Lanois
Phone: 865-215-3795

Case History